SGPA To Percentage Conversion Calculator: SGPA Calculator

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Reported by Anjali

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Your university has an SGPA marks system, but now you want to convert the same percentage. You didn’t find a way to do that, so don’t worry. We are here to help you by providing an SGPA To Percentage Conversion Calculator. This calculator will give you an exact calculation of your SGPA to percentage in seconds.

Almost every educational institute has now provided SGPA instead of percentages for some years. This creates a problem for the individuals; they keep looking here and there for how to calculate SGPA to percentage. So, we have prepared this article for all of you. Here, we will provide you with the SGPA To Percentage Conversion Calculator, which you can use to convert your marks easily.

SGPA to Percentage Calculator

SGPA To Percentage Conversion Calculator

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The SGPA to Percentage Conversion Calculator is used in educational fields. The calculator helps individuals cover their allotted grade points into percentages within seconds. The percentage conversion calculator has been introduced to save the time of energy of the candidate. This also means that there will be no mistakes in the outcome.

Several Indian Universities use different methods to calculate the SGPA. Here, we will use the most common and known way of calculating SGPA to Percentage. In the following article, readers will also come across the details such as the meaning of SGPA and percentage, methods to convert into a percentage, etc.

SGPA To Percentage Conversion Calculator
SGPA To Percentage Conversion Calculator: SGPA Calculator 3

What is SGPA?

SGPA is the performance of the students in a particular semester. The full form of SGPA is Semester Grade Point Average. SGPA is an average of all the grade points earned by the students in all the courses during one semester. SGPA is used in almost every college nowadays. However, most people prefer to convert their SGPA to a percentage to check their performance and some want to know How to calculate CGPA to Marks.

What is the Percentage?

The Percentage is a ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. To calculate the percentage of a number, we divide the number by the whole and then multiply it by 100. So, we can also say that the percentage means a par per 100. The percentage is represented by the symbol "%".

Below are some examples of percentages:

  • 10% is equal to a 1/10 fraction
  • 25% is equal to a 1/4 fraction
  • 50% is equivalent to a 1/2 fraction
  • 75% is equal to a 3/4 fraction
  • 90% is equal to a 9/10 fraction

How to Calulate the SGPA?

Candidates who have grade points in all the subjects can easily take out the SGPA by following the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Start the process by writing down all the credit points for each subject on a paper.
  2. After that, you must multiply each subject's credit points by the grade you scored in the subject.
  3. Now, you must add all the outcomes after the 2nd step.
  4. After adding the scores, divide the outcome by the sum of the credit points of each subject.
  5. Finally, the outcome you receive will be your SGPA.

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Example of How to Calculate SGPA?

Suppose there are four subjects, i.e., Subject A, B, C, and D. The credit points and grade points of the subjects are mentioned below:

SubjectCredit PointGrade
Subject A49
Subject B28
Subject C38
Subject D27
  • Start the process by multiplying credit points with their scores:
    4 X 9 = 36, 2 X 8 = 16, 3 X 8 = 24, 2 X 7 = 14
  • After that, you will have to add all the outcomes of the first step, i.e.,
    36 + 16 +24 + 14 = 90
  • After that, add all the credit points, i.e., 4 + 2 + 3 + 2 = 11
  • Finally, divide 90 by the total credit points:
    90/11 = 8.18
  • So, 8.18 is the SGPA.

Formula For SGPA to Percentage Calculation

Candidates who want to know the SGPA to Percentage calculation formula can look here. Given below is the formula using which you can take out the percentage:

How to Calculate Percentage From SGPA?

Given below, we have mentioned the procedure via which you will be able to take out the percentage easily:

  1. First of all, take out the SGPA of every subject by following the procedure available above.
  2. After taking out the SGPA, subtract the SGPA by 0.75.
  3. Finally, the outcome is needed to be multiplied by 10.
  4. The result will be the percentage of your obtained marks.

Examples of SGPA to Percentage Calculation

To make the formula more understandable, we have provided some examples. Through the formula, candidates will easily understand the formula:

  • Example 1
    • Suppose the SGPA of a student is 7.5.
    • Now we have to subtract it by 0.75:
      7.5 - 0.75 = 6.75
    • Finally, divide the outcome with 10
    • So, the percentage of 6.75 X 10 = 67.5%
  • Example 2
    • Let's assume the SGPA of the student is 8.3
    • So, we will subtract 0.75 from SGPA:
      8.3 - 0.75 = 7.55
    • At last, multiply the outcome by 10 i.e., 7.55 X 10
    • So, the percentage is 75.5%

How to convert grade points into SGPA at AKTU University?

The formula for converting grade points into SGPA at AKTU University is as follows:

SGPA (Si) = Σ (Ci x Gi) / ΣCi

Si denotes SGPA
Ci denotes the number of credits of the nth course.
Gi denotes the grade points scored by the candidates in the ITH course.

Grade Point to Percentage Conversion Table

Marks(%)Letter GradesGrade Points(G)
-AB (Absent)0
0 to < 36F (Fail)0
36 to < 40D (Pass)4
40 to < 50C (Average)5
50 to < 60B (Above Average)6
60 to < 70B+ (Good)7
70 to < 80A (Very Good)8
80 to < 90A+ (Excellent)9
90 to 100O (Outstanding)10

Difference Between SGPA and CGPA

SGPA and CGPA are the same terms. SGPA stands for Semester grade point average, while CGPA stands for cumulative Grade point average. SGPA measures students' performance in a particular semester, while CGPA shows their overall performance over the whole academic year.

To calculate SGPA, we add all the outcomes from the multiplication of credit points with grade points and then divide it by the sum of credit points. To calculate CGPA, we add all the grade points and divide them by the sum of credit points. CGPA is usually used in schools, whereas SGPA is used in higher educational institutes and universities.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to convert the SGPA into CGPA?

You need to add up all the SGPAs received, divide it by the number of semesters, and multiply the result by 10.

Can we also convert the percentage from grade points?

Yes, you can convert the grade points into percentages. Using the above formula, subtract the SGPA from 0.75. Finally, multiply the number by 10, and the result will be the percentage.

How to convert SGPA into a percentage at Pune University?

To convert the SGPA into a percentage, you have to multiply the SGPA by 8.8 simply. For Example, SGPA is 7.0, So the percentage will be 61.6%

What is the percentage of 7.8 SGPA?

The percentage of 7.8 SGPA will be calculated as follows:
1. Substracting 0.75 from SGPA, i.e., 7.8 - 0.75 = 7.05
2. We will multiply the outcome by 10, i.e., 7.05 X 10 = 70.5
3. So, 70.5 is the percentage of 7.8 SGPA.

SGPA to percentage SPPU calculator?

For this, you need to multiply the SGPA by 8.8. For Example, SGPA is 7.0, So the percentage will be 61.6%

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