Leave Application Format: Leave Application Sample, Templates Files, and Guide

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Reported by Anshika Saxena

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Leave Application Format: A leave application is one of the most important types of formal letters intended to seek permission or notify a pause from your institution or organization for a limited period of time due to a particular and valid reason. It can either be an application written by the student to the head of the institution to notify of absence or an application to seek leaves from the office or any other work-related organization. This kind of letter always follows a format of a formal letter and specifically that of a Leave Application.

It is very important for the application to be effective and precisely address the point as that impacts the probability of acceptance of leave sought and applied. One of the preferred and recommended methods of writing a leave request is by maintaining a professional tone and intention as much as possible. The reason for taking the leave must be genuine, valid, and lucidly mentioned in the letter. This will increase the chances that your request will not be declined as the reason shall be displayed as highly justified and reasonable. Here in the ensuing space, we have articulated different kinds of Leave Application Format. Additionally, check further for samples, templates, and a guide on How to write a perfect Leave Application!

Leave Application Format
Leave Application Format: Leave Application Sample, Templates Files, and Guide 3

Leave Application Format

It is essential to ensure that the Leave Application Format is written in a manner that it gets accepted by the institute or the organization. One needs to be clear with the purpose and reason for the leave and meticulously mention it in the letter. When applying, the leave application is better when submitted prior to the leave since it is a requirement of many organizations and institutions further making it easier for them to coordinate their functionalities in your absence. It is more of an ethical move to submit a pre-leave application. In the case of a workspace, it is mostly compulsory for the employee to apply in advance as the enterprise prioritizes that a professional approach is followed. However, for the students in school, it can be pardoned if they take leave and apply later. Nevertheless, they are still recommended to apply in advance as it only portrays their seriousness regarding their education.

Types of Leave Applications

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Depending upon the purpose and kind of the leave, there are the following types of leave applications that you write in order to address the issue:

  1. Casual Leave Application
  2. Maternity Leave Application
  3. Paternity Leave Application
  4. Sick Leave Application or Medical Leave
  5. Bereavement Leave due to the death of a close one
  6. Application for Leave for an Official Purpose
  7. Leave Application for Personal Issues and Emergencies
  8. Leave Application for a Family Vacation
  9. Application of Leave for Marriage
  10. Half-Day Leave Application
  11. Study Leave Application
  12. Annual Leave Request
  13. Leave Application For Office
  14. Leave Application for College
  15. Leave Application for School

You can also check the leaves allowed by Indian law for employment, read this wiki page.

How to Write an official letter of Absence?

As mentioned above, it is extremely crucial for the person writing the letter to be extremely precise with the reason for the leave. The Leave Application Format has to be that of a formal letter and you have to keep the ensuing points in your mind while framing your Letter for Absence:

  • The letter must be based on a proper format of a formal or a non-personal letter.
  • Further, you have to be very precise with your subject and write in a To-The-Point manner.
  • Do not exaggerate or use any information that is uncalled for or irrelevant. Even if you find it relevant, try to comprehend it from the perspective of the recipient and analyze if the detail is appurtenant to their professional life and dealings.
  • The tone of the leave request has to be formal in nature.
  • It’s highly crucial to keep a check on the grammar and language of the leave request. Punctuation or other grammatical errors demolish the professionalism of the application making them sound rather clumsy and informal.
  • Keep the application simple and brief. Not everyone is willing to read a lengthy application, especially in a professional setting. In a nutshell, keep your letter specific to the subject without unreasonably amplifying the content while being true to the Leave Application Format. One should be able to check the necessary details directly through a mere glance at the letter.
  • The documents supporting the reason behind the leave should be attached if needed such as a medical certificate in case of sick leave or evidence of a personal event in case of requesting such leave.
  • Use words that are specific to a respectful allusion to the recipient, such as kindly, please, grateful, thankful, sincere, request, and much more.
  • The contact details that you mention in the letter must be correct and you must be easily approachable in case the recipient decides to revert back.

Formal Letter Format

There are two scenarios in a context of an organization where you can seek a leave, one is school or higher educational institutions and the workspace or offices. As explained earlier, you have to be very specific as in both cases, the person you are addressing stands unconcerned about the minute details of your personal problems and life. You just need to talk about the issue that is at hand at present and give exact information that will urge them to approve your leave application.

In the case of a school, you might address your Class Teacher, Co-ordinator, Vice Principal, or even the Principal. Further, in higher education institutions such as colleges and universities, you might address your concerned Teacher or probably the Head of the Department. In case you are willing to apply for a very long leave such as a vacation or even a sabbatical, it is only then that you must address the head of the particular institution or organization. In a workspace, you can write to HR or directly the boss. In enterprises with a very considerable number of employees, you can also write to your reporting manager or the concerned authority in the workspace.

While signing off, as a student in a school, you must specifically mention the Name, Class, Section, and Roll Number as per the Leave Application Format. However, if you are a student of a college or higher institution, you must mention the Class, and Roll Number in that particular institution along with the department of your concerned course. In case you seek revert mail for your application, you must provide the mail that you regularly check. If you are a school student, you might not have to compulsorily mention your contact details if you are to submit the application in an offline or paper mode. As an employee, you too have to be specific about the wing, department, or project of your work. Additionally, you will have to precisely mention your position in the organization and accordingly provide your work mail for revert backs.

1.Receiver’s Name & Address
2.Subject Line
3.Salutation: Add Recipient’s Name
4.Body of the Letter
5.Thank you note
6.Complimentary Closing
7.Your Name
8.Job Position: job title (optional field)

Samples and Templates for Reference

In order to provide you with a better idea regarding the Leave Application Format, we have provided the ensuing samples and templates. The person writing can check the various templates and accordingly prepare their own application for leave. Try to comprehend the tone of the language as per the requirement of the purpose and accordingly frame your Letter of Absence. Further, the subsequent samples cum format have used a dummy name and details of the sender and the receipent. Hence, use the template accordingly and match the purpose of the leave with the type of Leave Application Format as indicated in the subsequnet examplary application letters.

Casual Leave Application

Mr. Alok Pandey,
Cheif Executive Officer,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

10 January 2024

Subject: Leave Request for one day (13/01/2024)

Dear Sir,

This is to inform you that my daughter’s school has invited me to her sports day event. The tournament that she is participating in will be hosted by them on 13 January 2024. Hereby, I most humbly apply for a casual leave so that I can visit her school and cheer her.

I shall be in the city and in a network zone. Thus, I will try to be connected to my colleagues regarding every prosessional inquiry as much as possible. I shall resume my work immidiately on the next day.

Expecting a very positive response from your side.

Vineet Mehta,
Content Department,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

Maternity Leave Application

Mr. Alok Pandey,
Cheif Executive Officer,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

10 January 2024

Subject: Maternity Leave Request for 14 weeks starting from 13 January 2024.

Dear Sir,

Through this extreme humble request, I intend to submit my request for my Maternity Leave of four weeks. With my due date nearing, I seek this duration in order to deal with the medical recommendations of rest and any other relative emergencies followed by the post partum break. I expect my delivery within the next 6 weeks.

I shall be constantly be in touch with the other employees at work in order to provide with vital information they shall require in my absence. Additionally, in case of cruciality, I am also open to Work From Home opportunities. Further, in case my due date extends, I shall notofy in advance as per the medical acknowledgement. I have attached relative medical reports thiat shall be supportive of this maternity leave request.

Expecting a very positive response from your side.

Vineeta Mehta,
Content Department,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

Paternity Leave Application

Mr. Alok Pandey,
Cheif Executive Officer,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

10 January 2024

Subject: Paternity Leave Request for 10 days starting from 13 January 2024.

Dear Sir,

This is to inform you that me and my wife are soon expecting a child and as per the medical reports, the due date has been suggested in the coming week. This is a crucial time where my wife needs assistance in order to conduct daily chores. Additionally, she could also be requirted to be taken to a doctor at this sensitive phase in her pergancy. Therefore, I humbly seek a paternity leave for 10 days from 13 January 2024 that shall not only enable me to sustain the situation before delivery but also provide important support to my wife post the birth of our first child.

I will ensure that I am connected to my colleagues and managers in order to provide with all sorts of professional assistance pertaining to the projects that I was handling. Furthermore, I will be available for urgent work scenarios, if required. I request you gto kindly consider my application for a paternity leave.

Expecting a very positive response from your side.

Vineet Mehta,
Content Department,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

Sick Leave Application or Medical Leave

Mr. Alok Pandey,
Cheif Executive Officer,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

10 January 2024

Subject: Medical Leave for 3 Days starting from 11 January 2024.

Dear Sir,

This is to inform you that I have been detected with severe stomach infection and the doctor has suggested for rest of at least 3 days. Additionally, my acute stomach has been disabling me to further be able to attend the office. Therefore, I would be highly grateful if you kindly approve my request for 3 days of medical leave starting from 11 January 2024.

I have attested all the required medical documents and reports as issued to me by doctor pertaining to this medical urgency. I shall be resuming my work on 14 January 2024 and ensure that I am able to cope up with the deadlines for the current project. Furthermore, I will assuredly try to coordinate with my colleagues and manager pertaining to the professional details regarding my work in this duration.

Expecting a very positive response from your side.

Vineet Mehta,
Content Department,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

Bereavement Leave due to the death of a close one

Mr. Alok Pandey,
Cheif Executive Officer,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

10 January 2024

Subject: Request Bereavement Leave for 3 Days starting from 11 January 2024.

Dear Sir,

With utmost afflication, I inform you that my cousin brother has passed away this afternoon due to a very unfortunate accident. The death is a shock for my entire family and to me, as well. Since, he and I very extremley close, I shall be actively taking up all the responsibilities pertaining to the funeral in this moment of grief. I, hereby, seek a bereavement leave for 3 days commencing from 11 January 2024 in order to attend the final rites and make necessary arrangements that will be held in the city of Chennai.

Kindly approve my request as I assure you that I shall try to coordinate with the colleagues regarding the ongoing project and will resume the work on 14 January 2024. I shall be highly grateful for all your assistance during this sorrowful time.

Expecting a very positive response from your side.

Vineet Mehta,
Content Department,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

Application for Leave for an Official Purpose

Mr. Alok Pandey,
Cheif Executive Officer,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

10 January 2024

Subject: Request Leave for 12 January 2024 for an official purpose.

Dear Sir,

I humbly request you to kindly grant me a leave for 12 January 2024 in order to attend to the passport office appointment that has been issued to me. The Regional Passport Office has provided my with a slot starting at 11 AM and I might be unable to attend to the office due to the same.

I shall resume my work the next day and strive to cope up with the lagging work with as much precision and pace as much possible. I have attested the required appoointment letter document along with this leave application. Kindly approve my request so that I could attend to this official urgency.

Expecting a very positive response from your side.

Vineet Mehta,
Content Department,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

Leave Application for Personal Issues and Emergencies

Mr. Alok Pandey,
Cheif Executive Officer,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

10 January 2024

Subject: Request Leave for 11 January 2024 for a personal emergency.

Dear Sir,

I humbly request you to kindly grant me a leave on 11 January to attend to the family urgency that has arisen suddenly, back at home in Hosur. My father has met with a little accident and thereby my Parents need my assistance in order to manage a few medications and household chores. I shall be back after providing them with the required support and further assuring that the situations at home are well handleable. In case, I will have to shift them here to take care of the situations in a better manner, I shall do it on the same day.

Kindly approve this eager request for an urgent leave as they have no one else to depend on in this moment of haste. I ensure that I will handle the remaining work and try to cope up with the deadlines as soon as I shall resume office day after tomorrow.

Expecting a very positive response from your side.

Vineet Mehta,
Content Department,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

Leave Application for a Family Vacation

Mr. Alok Pandey,
Cheif Executive Officer,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

10 January 2024

Subject: Request 4 Days Leave starting from 14 January 2024 for family vacation.

Dear Sir,

I submit my humble request for a four days leave in order to attend to a family vacation. My parents have been eager to visit the Mahakaleshwar Temple in Ujjain and wish to take me along as they seek blessings of the almighty. It shall be highly generous of you if you could grant me leave for four days starting from 14 January 2024 so that I can take the voyage along with my family.

I shall be highly careful regarding the left-over work and shall assuredly match with the projects and relative deadlines. Additionally, I shalll stay perpetually connected to the team through my phone as well as laptop via mail in case there are some professional urgencies to attend to. Kindly approve my request for vacantional leave.

Expecting a very positive response from your side.

Vineet Mehta,
Content Department,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

Application of Leave for Marriage

Mr. Alok Pandey,
Cheif Executive Officer,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

10 January 2024

Subject: Request Leave for a week starting from 24 January 2024 for my Marriage.

Dear Sir,

I am extremely pleased to inform you that my marriage has been arranged on 27 January 2024 and the functions shall be commencing on 24 January 2043. Therefore, I not only seek your blessings but also request you to kindly approve my request for a week’s leaves in order to attend to all the pre and post events pertaining to my big day.

Furthermore, I have attached the necessary documents in order to support this request. I shall invite you personally, apart from this application. I humbly expect you to grace the occassion with your presence.

Expecting a very positive response from your side.

Vineet Mehta,
Content Department,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

Half-Day Leave Application

Mr. Alok Pandey,
Cheif Executive Officer,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

10 January 2024

Subject: Request Half Day Leave to visit the Doctor.

Dear Sir,

I write to seek your approval of a half-day leave that I am applying in order to visit the doctor pertaining to the sudden head ache that has been discturbing my cirriculum of work since the morning. It has become highly complicated for me to concentrate on the work with this severe pain in my head. Kindly allow me to visit the doctor and obtain medicine so that I could healthily resume my work at the office tomorrow.

I shall inform you further in case there are medical urgencies that require me to apply for a medical leave. It will be highly generous of you if you let me take the remaining day off and seek medical consultation and get some rest.

Expecting a very positive response from your side.

Vineet Mehta,
Content Department,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

Study Leave Application

Mr. Alok Pandey,
Head of the Mathematics Department,
St. Joseph’s College,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

10 January 2024

Subject: Request Study Leave Application of 8 days starting from 13 January 2024.

Dear Sir,

This is to inform you that with my PhD research projects submission deadlines nearing, I seek your approval for my Study Leaves Request. As you are aware, I have applied for my Doctor of Philosophy in the subject of Mathematics and therefore, require your support in order to cope up with my education. Kindly grant me a study leave of 8 days starting from 13 January 2024 so that I can prepare for the submission of mutliple research projects as scheduled on 20 January 2024.

Expecting a very positive response from your side.

Vineet Mehta,
Assistant Professor,
Mathematics Department,
St. Joseph’s College,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

Annual Leave Request

Mr. Alok Pandey,
Cheif Executive Officer,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

10 January 2024

Subject: Annual Application of 10 days starting from 13 January 2024.

Dear Sir,

This is to humbly inform you that I apply for annual leave of 10 days starting from 13 January 2024 as permissable by the company. I have sufficient leaves accumulated in the previous year in order to be able to able to apply for such a long duration. I shall be resuming my work with similar enthusiasm on 23 January 2024.

I have attested the required leave reports and documents as required to apply for annual leaves. I shall be constantly available to my Team and Managers in case of realtive work dealings that I could be required to attend in this duration. Additionally, I am assured that I have finished all the urgent projects and met the required deadlines. There is no crucial work allocated to me presently. Kindly observe my application and grant me the remaining leaves, if valid.

Expecting a very positive response from your side.

Vineet Mehta,
Infrance Media,
New Street,
Bangalore, India.

Templates to Apply for Leaves

There are different reasons due to which you can apply for leaves. However, there are various settings in which you might be required to submit a leave application based on relative format. Here are the templates of certain Leave Application Formats on the basis of their relevant types:

Leave Application For Office

Name of the Recepient (along with Mr/ Mrs/ Ms),
Position in the Office (Probably, CEO, Manager, or HR Manager),
Name of the Office,
Address of the Office,
City and State/ Country.

Date of Application Submission

Subject: Write the subject here

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

Body or Content of the Application: Opening Line followed by purpose of application. Additionally, mention the respective dates. You must also inform in advance in case there is a possibility that you can apply fort more leaves further.

Closing Line

Name of the Sender,
(Email ID or other Contact Details of the Sender),
Name of the Office,
Address of the Office,
City and State/ Country.

Leave Application for College

Name of the Recepient (along with Mr/ Mrs/ Ms),
Position in the College (Probably, Head of the Department or Institution),
Name of the College,
Address of the College,
City and State/ Country.

Date of Application Submission

Subject: Write the subject here

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

Body or Content of the Application: Opening Line followed by purpose of application. Additionally, mention the respective dates. You must also inform in advance in case there is a possibility that you can apply fort more leaves further.

Closing Line

Name of the Sender,
(Email ID or other Contact Details of the Sender),
Class of the Sender,
Course or Department,
Institution Roll Number.

Leave Application for School

Name of the Recepient (along with Mr/ Mrs/ Ms),
Position in the School (Probably, Principal, Co-ordinator, Vice Principal, or Class Teacher,
Name of the School,
Address of the School,
City and State/ Country.

Date of Application Submission

Subject: Write the subject here

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

Body or Content of the Application: Opening Line followed by purpose of application. Additionally, mention the respective dates. You must also inform in advance in case there is a possibility that you can apply fort more leaves further.

Closing Line

Name of the Sender,
Class and Section of the Sender,
School Roll Number.

Do let us know about your thoughts on the Leave Application Format and more in the comment section below!

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