100+ Interesting Debate Speech Topics

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Reported by Anshika Saxena

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A Debate Speech is one of the most interesting forms of speech. For speakers, it helps improve their public speaking skills as they partake in a powerful discussion with the person representing the opposing idea. Whereas, for the audience, it is an insightful way of understanding certain topics’ good and bad aspects. However, coming up with Interesting Debate Speech Topics that engage the audience and improve your public speaking skills can be tricky.

Therefore, we are sharing this article to make this task hassle-free for you. Throughout this article, we will share some very Interesting Debate Speech Topics that will spark a compelling discussion between you and your opponent in the Debate.

So, if you have chosen an interesting Debate Speech Topic to deliver, check out this complete article for worthy insights.

Interesting Debate Speech Topics

Theme Wise Interesting Debate Speech Topics

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To narrow down the process of choosing Interesting Debate Speech Topics for you, we have subdivided them into various themes. These themes range from education to technology to social matters. So, you can pick a speech topic that fits the theme for the occasion you are participating in a debate.

How to Present a Debate Speech

Engaging Debate Speech Topics Related to Education

  • Students should be taught about their religion in School
  • Participation in Sports Should be mandatory for Students in School
  • Schools Should focus more on Practical Learning than theoretical.
  • Uniforms should not be Compulsory in Schools
  • Colleges Should organize a free Internship Program for Students
  • Reasons why Public Schools are better than Private Schools
  • Schools need to Pay Teachers more.
  • Colleges need to make Education Free for Students.
  • Schools Should encourage students who are good in Extracurricular Activities.
  • Peer Pressure Ruins a Good Student
  • Education should give as much importance to Art and Sports as Maths and Science.
  • Societal Pressure badly Influences Students
  • Film Stars are bad Role Models for Students
  • Schools Should Provide the Students with Proper Moral Education
  • Schools Should Teach Their Native Language to Students
  • There should be proper eligibility criteria for Teacher Hiring in Schools
  • All Schools should use VRs to teach Students
  • College Canteens should not serve Junk Food to Students
  • Teachers should not be partial toward their favourite Students.
  • Schools should enhance the creativity of students not kill it
  • Marks and Grades do not accurately measure the intellectual ability of students

Interesting Debate Speech Topics Related to Social Matters

  • The Internet does more harm to people than good
  • Peer Pressure is not always a bad thing
  • Parents should focus on their child’s mental health as much as their studies.
  • Animal Cloning should be a worldwide criminal offense.
  • Government Should take the threat of Climate Change more seriously
  • Children should not be allowed to have a personal mobile phone until they are 15
  • All private sectors should raise the minimum wage for Employees
  • Violent Video Games badly influence Children
  • The ratio of males and females in a workplace should be 50:50
  • Patriotism has as many harms as benefits
  • Smoking in front of Children should be a criminal offence.
  • Excessive Violence in movies cannot be justified.
  • Children should learn the value of Humanity
  • People of all religions need to live together in Harmony
  • We should preserve traditional sources of energy instead of finding alternatives
  • The government should prevent cyber crimes
  • Organic Foods are better than non-organic foods
  • Rapid Urbanization is ruining our planet
  • Right and Wrong of Moral Policing
  • Censorship in movies is justified (or not)

Technology-themed Interesting Debate Speech Topics

  • Modern Technology and Nature cannot go hand in hand
  • The evolution of AI is more horrifying than fascinating
  • E-Commerce is a threat to traditional retail
  • Online Schooling: a boon or curse
  • Electric Vehicles should be promoted
  • Technology makes people lazy
  • Online Streaming Platforms should introduce censorship for their content
  • Excessive use of Social Media is a major cause of Depression in Teenagers
  • Media exploits the internet to spread fake news
  • Technology harms the environment
  • Merits and Demerits of AI at Workplace
  • Technology Causes Damage to Small Children

Unique Debate Speech Ideas

  • Film adaptations of books are never as good as the subject material
  • Affluent nations should financially help poor nations
  • Scientists should take full responsibility for the consequences of their experiments
  • Sports has turned into a business
  • Consuming Sugar is more Harmful than consuming fats
  • The world can never live up to the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi
  • Schools should provide free meals to the Students
  • Modern-day art is not as good as the art of old times
  • Girls and boys should be allowed to participate in sports together
  • Schools should educate students about the horrifying facts of Wars

Interesting Debate Speech Topics Related to the Environment

  • Animal abuse can never be justified
  • Government is still ignorant towards Global Warming
  • Humans are damaging nature every day for their greed
  • The concept of electric vehicles is impractical
  • All humans should be vegetarian
  • Farmers should stop using excessive fertilizers
  • Sports including animals should be banned
  • Government should preserve nuclear energy to use as a substitute for fossil fuels.
  • Humans should not consume Genetically Modified Foods
  • Government should put a worldwide ban on the selling of Fur
  • Environmental pollution should be a global concern

Controversial Interesting Debate Speech Topics

  • The concept of Online School is ridiculous
  • It is not ok for Humans to keep Animals in Zoos
  • The over-reliance of society on technology is horrifying
  • Unhealthy foods should be made costlier for less consumption
  • Stereotypes are right sometimes
  • Wars can never be justified
  • Government should increase the funding for NASA
  • Plastic bags and Bottles should be permanently banned
  • Doctors should be paid more than sportspersons
  • Use of Fossil Fuels should be banned
  • The media paints a bad picture of celebrities for money
  • Scientists should be respected more than sportspersons and movie stars.

How to Choose an Interesting Debate Speech Topic?

There are a few factors that you must consider while choosing your Debate Speech Topic. All of these factors are as follows.

  • Your Interest: You must pick a Debate Speech Topic that interests you. This way your debate speech will appear genuine and authentic.
  • Your Knowledge: If you are well aware of the pros and cons of the topics you pick, you can easily argue with your debate opponent.
  • Your Audience: You must be familiar with the likes and dislikes of your audience to pick a debate speech topic that appeals to them.
  • Argument Potential of the Topic: Your topic must be interesting enough to polarize the audience so that valid arguments can be put up in its favour and against.

Final Words

We hope you found some very interesting debate speech topics for your speech in this article. You can feel free to ask more of your queries in the comment section below. Also, to consume more worthwhile content like this regularly, stay connected to us through the NVSHQ Homepage.

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