Winter Season Essay For Students | Short and Long Essay on Winter Season

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Reported by Pankaj Bhatt

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Winter Season Essay: Winter is the cold season of the year. It is one of 5 seasons in India: Winter, Spring, Summer, Monsoon and Autumn. The Winter months are from December to January In India. Winter is the time when people take out their Woolen and body Warmers to wear. Besides, the Winter season holds excellent significance as monthly mythological and scientific things happen. In this article, we have written an essay on the Winter season, which is Long, short, and medium words.

Winter Season Essay for students are provided are written after research and for the students and kid level.

Winter Season Essay for Students
Winter Season Essay for Students

Winter Season Essay for Students in English (2000+ Words)


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“Sitting on a reindeer, sailing with vibrant speed amidst the snows… taking the lump of snow in our frosted hands, rolling it round, and having a Snowball fight with our close ones. Ah! And then someone is serving a cup of hot tea or coffee along with our favourite cheese sandwiches! Umm!

What a beautiful morning would it be!” Perhaps, everybody dreams the same, sleeping inside the Blankets and quilts cosily in the cold winter mornings. Well, coined from the Proto-Germanic word wintru, meaning unclear, to summarise, it is one of the beautiful seasons that God has gifted to humanity.

Lasting from December to March and welcoming the bright spring, this season term itself is the celeb season of the year. Even the sun seems to be resting inside the clouds this season and, therefore, comes out late in the mornings.

With the rejuvenating cold and gentle breeze, we light up the bonfires and enjoy the night sitting beside them. The nature of the season starts with a late arrival of the sun each morning and ranges from short days to long nights. It seems that the whole beauty is ornamented with snow and frost.

Physical Evolvement of Winter

Geographically, winter occurs when the earth’s axis seems farthest from the sun. The hemisphere which faces the sun appears to suffer from summer, and the one which gets oriented away faces winter.

Suppose you consider the fact of winter solstice or the day at which the value is found to be at the highest negative concerning the earth’s north pole or south pole compared to the sun. In that case, we get to see that it is on that specific day when the length of the days starts increasing for the next season, and the night length starts decreasing.

Mythological significance of winter

If we get to see the history of the world, winter seems to space itself in one of the most mythological months. Starting from the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, in Jerusalem, it is the holiest season to celebrate Christmas worldwide. Welcoming Christ to the world of humanity and waiting for Santa Clauses to gift us with new gifts is what winter serves us on a platter.

The winter solstice seems to place itself on a very religious note in the culture of Persia. Termed to be yalda, referring to the birth of Mithra, Persia appears to pray for winter as it is the season of the arrival of God. Mithra is the divine soul who epitomises divinity, honesty, goodness, and positivity in this orb.

Going deeper into Greek mythology, Demeter, the goddess of Earth was shattered and Devastated when she learned that her daughter, Persephone, was tricked by Hades to eat the food of the hall so that she could stay with him as his wife. Zeus, the husband of Demeter, asked Hades to return their daughter back.

At that time, Demeter was too sad, creating a winter season.

Coming to India, we celebrate Holi in winter as a start to a new beginning. Burning the Holika and urging to fight for new challenges is our country’s most significant winter significance.

According to some people, winter seems to be a bit dull because it does not offer us much to move outside our homes due to the chilly cold.

Although winter is visualized as a season which makes all the trees lose their beauty and there is a massive fall of leaves and flowers, recently it has been researched that it is one of the most nurturing seasons of the year as it gives a suitable atmosphere for all the ornamental plants to grow through. Abundance in profit with nourished farming and harvest is also scooped out.

Tips of winter

People prefer wearing warm clothes according to the climate where they put up. Generally, woollen materials are selected along with mufflers and various stylish caps as the season’s outfit. Hot drinks, like coffee, tea, and sometimes hot chocolate, are an exciting choice for the masses. Sitting on the sofa, and enjoying a hot drink with music, tale shows, or Netflix movies is what we look out for this season.

Generally, there is a shut-in in all the working organisations and the schools as winter vacations, so the limit for enjoy extends much larger.

During these vacations, we can invest time in practical activities like joining a fitness program or yoga. Choosing a walk in the morning or enjoying a jog in winter to breathe in fresh air is one of the healthiest activities we can do.

Physically, we see that a lot of energy is stored for us in winter. We are less prone to disease except for some coughs and colds as compared to the other seasons in winter. This season is a blessing for all the globe trotters as they can go to various places and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Diving into the skill of photography, winter seems to be one of the aptest seasons to capture the moment of fog, mist, and dew drops on the lush green leaves. Many fruits, from citrus oranges to red juicy apples, help us boost our metabolism and keep us fit and healthy.

The winter season looks pretty symbolic as it is the initialisation of a new year. On the eve of Christmas, when we come out of our homes to decorate the various Christmas trees and pray to Christ to give us a prosperous New Year, winter marks a fresh start again. We welcome a fresh beginning with positivity, strength and vibrant energy.

The Charming primroses and the fresh lilies along with vegetables like cauliflower, get a chance to revive the beauty in this season.

We also use room heaters to keep ourselves Warm. College students usually get a break and plan out for a night-stay picnic with bonfires and guitars.

When we see a portrait of a hilly area in the chilly winters, we feel we are standing in paradise on Earth. The beauty of ice and the frosted waterfalls with fresh lush green leaves look like the most heavenly moment we ever come across.

Imagine yourself standing in the orchards of Apples and oranges! Just close your eyes and think of the divine moment when one is standing in the garden of flowers and capturing each moment of its blooming and radiating by the sun’s rays.

Seems like a fairytale! But yes! This is what winter provides us.

Harshness of winter

But looking at the other side of the coin, winter has some harsh effects. In places with exceptional cold, animals and plants need to undergo some adaptation to exist and address the cold.

The chilly weather does not permit the Poikilotherms to stay in the temperature without any adaptations. Generally, the Robin family and the Aves prefer to adapt with the help of migration morphologically.

Some of the animals store the meals during the summer so that they can consume them in winter. Raccoons and squirrels are some of the species that perform this process. Hibernation is the most common activity of animals in winter. In this method, all the reptiles and the animals go to deep sleep or stay inactive to reduce their metabolism to face the weather.

Furry animals, Arctic foxes and polar bears, generally have the resistance power to go through the winter; therefore, the musculature changes the fur colour.

Some groups thought having fur Makes the skin favourable to the season by overcoating themselves. Burrowing is also an adaptation for the animals to help them through winter.

When we come to the plants, we get to note that all the deciduous, perennials and annual plants have to struggle to exist in this season. Most of the yearly folks do not live while perennials find some insulating ways to survive, and deciduous are protected by their roots, usually covered by snow.

Only some flowers, like roses, flowering plums, and lilies, live and bloom in the frost.

But winter is a curse for all the poor people of society. With the chilly weather, they don’t even get the chance of getting protected by blankets and quilts. They light fires to get warm, but it also causes danger as a lot of carbon dioxide gets formed, and the ambience gets suffocated, out of which death occurs.

The kids do not even get to eat whole bread or some food to fill their stomachs. They don’t even have the money to buy warm clothes. Therefore, many NGOs, rich people and school students donate food, warm clothes and woollen materials to save them from winter.

For those who do not have houses or do not have a method to earn their livelihood, winter becomes the toughest of all.


Therefore, with the hope of a new beginning, the people welcome winter after autumn and the arrival of a new year begins with this season. At this time, people are free and can utilise their best vacations for some productive activity. Winter is just like a lock with a key.

On the one hand, it provides energy and vitality to the rich people; on the other hand, it is a danger for all the poor. So, a combination of happiness and sadness symbolizes moving forward with hope and goodness. Support is expected from us to secure the poor folks.

Altogether, it brings a store of fun, celeb and festivities with an awaiting, amusing and alluring summer.


When does the winter season occur?

Winter occurs in India generally for six months ranging from October to March. In other countries, winter is said to occur when the earth’s axis is placed at the farthest distance from the sun. Winter solstice marks the beginning of the new season.

What is the significance of winter?

Winter is both a month of fun and happiness. With the awaiting New Year, we must say farewell to the previous year and the memories of the last time. Therefore, winter prepares us for all situations, be they happy, harsh, alluring or dangerous.

Name the four seasons of nature.

Summer, spring, autumn and winter are the four seasons of nature.

What Flora is expected to bloom in winter?

Roses, plums, oranges, guava, and apples are expected to be born in the month of winter. Generally, all the plants, due to frost, can’t survive in chilly weather.

Is winter a curse for poor people?

Yes, winter is a curse for poor people because it does not give them the atmosphere to survive. They do not have blankets or warm woollen clothes to save themselves from this chilly cold. Sometimes, they have the danger of breathing carbon dioxide due to bonfires, leading to suffocation and death. Some do not even have the food to fill up their stomach. Their resistance power becomes very low during the season.

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