Salary Increment Letter | Format, Download Samples, How to Write

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Reported by Pankaj Bhatt

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Salary Increment Letter is given by the employer to the employee usually at the end of the financial month, but some organizations give the appraisal letter as per the performance of the employee or how many targets they achieve in the given time period. Somewhere employees also fill out the salary increment request form and submitted to the HR department, and the employer takes that into consideration as per the employee’s performance.

Salary Increment Letter
Salary Increment Letter | Format, Download Samples, How to Write 3

The salary increment form or the appraisal form is submitted by the employee when he/she didn’t get any increment for a long time on their service length, so the employee submits their request to the Reporting manager, then reporting manager forwards it to the Finance Department, only when if he is satisfied with the performance of the employee. In this article, you can find out, what are the formats of the Salary increment and their samples.

Salary Increment Letter

As every employee wants a salary increment and everyone wants they can work with a handsome salary so that they can fill their needs and do some savings as well. Salary increment is the most challenging job for the employer because they need to see each employee on the basis of the same criteria of the work pattern.

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The employer gives scores on the basis of the employee’s performance, either they give a salary increment or a promotion or sometimes they give both to their best employees, so they can work with that full enthusiasm and dedication. In the end, we all work for the money, so when the employee sees the growth in the salary they took that opportunity and move forward, to avoid this migration of the employee, the employer gives the appreciation in the form of an appraisal.

In this whole situation, the employer’s job is more challenging because they need to see every employee’s performance as well as the organization’s budget as well. Further, in this article, you can see how to write an appraisal letter or to whom you can give it.

To whom you can give your Salary Increment Letter?

The salary increment letter was mainly given to the Reporting manager, the Manager or the Head of the Department, or the HR department. But you have to follow the hierarchy of your organization, generally, the hierarchy was that, which are as follows:

  • You can firstly go to the Reporting Manager, then reporting manager carries forward it to the Manager or the Head of the Department, then they can forward it to the HR department.
  • If your reporting manager is not taking any action or your performance is good, then you can directly go to the Manager or the Head of the Department, because without their Signature HR department will not approve the appraisal letter.
  • Don’t break the Hierarchy, as it will not give a good impression of the employee and leads to the degradation of the growth.

What are the things keep in your mind while writing a Salary Increment Letter?

When you are writing a salary increment letter to your reporting manager or your Head of the Department, it doesn’t matter how much they are frank with you, when you are writing a letter you should keep some important points in your mind that is:

  • the letter should be written in a formal manner, and don’t use informal language which leads to a bad impression in the employer’s mind.
  • Avoid grammatical mistakes as it also forwards to the higher authority as well, if you have any confusion regarding any sentence, either you can ask your senior or else you can google it.
  • Keep it simple, don’t use Hi-FI words.
  • Your letter shouldn’t be lengthy, because no one has time to read the whole letter.
  • Try to bold the important points.
  • Don’t use Italic Format.

Keep all these points before writing a letter, because there you can’t speak but your letter’s words can work as a sword, which helps you to make an impression on the employer’s mind.

How to ask for a Salary Increment?

Yeah! this is quite a hard situation how to ask for a hike in salary from your boss because you have to see the Right time, also see whether your boss is in a good mood or not, and also you have to be in the right frame of mind set up, for asking this question to your boss, before that you need to do a lot of research, then only you can change it to the win-win situation.

As you see everywhere, there are some people who do buttering of their bosses and also do the back bit for appreciation and increment but it does not always work, in the end, you need to show your work and your target details which you achieve, so keep your so work up to date, so for the future reference you can show your work and target achievement data especially at the time of increment.

You can scroll down to see the format of how to ask for a salary hike.

The correct way to ask for an increment is through email, which is also proof, the email pattern is as follows:

Email Format of Salary Hike

To: <outlook email of the Reporting manager>

CC: < manager’s email>, <Head of the Department>

Subject: Salary Increment, your subject line should be short or eye-catching, which elaborates your concern.

Body: Dear Sir/ Respected Sir

I was working in the name of your Department for how many years on the mentioned salary amount salary. I also took the extra work and responsibilities, to achieve more targets for the company with my full enthusiasm and dedication, I give my 100% to the company.

[Mention all your achievements from past years]

However, the salary is the same as I joined with, the position which I am in today, the salary is much lesser than the position I am working for. Your attention on this matter will be appreciated. If there is any other better proposal, I am available.

Thank you in advance

Your’s Sincerely

[Your name]

Also Check: How to Write a Complaint Letter

What are the things need to put in your Salary Increment Letter?

The foremost thing you need to make make your salary increment letter impressive is that your letter should be in a simple and official language either Hindi or English, basically, all organizations mostly preferred English, so whatever language you preferred doesn’t matter, but it should be written in the formal and the respectful manner. Some of the essential points that you need to mention to make a formal Increment letter, which is as follows:

  • Mention Your Name
  • Mention your Designation
  • Date and Address
  • Mention the Name of the Employer
  • Mention his/ her designation
  • Also, address the company or organization name.
  • Use formal Salutation
  • Write the Subject line, which shows the purpose of the letter.
  • Start your letter with your target achievements and target completion details
  • Mention the justification of your letter and why they need to give you an increment.
  • Mention the percentage of increment you want and also mention if they have any better opportunity for you or negotiation if you are open to it.
  • End your letter with a humble request and mention the greeting with Thank you in advance and Yours sincerely or faithfully, with your name, designation, and date.

Samples of Salary Increment Letter

The increment letter is a legal document given by the organization as per the performance of the employee, the increment letter is are of two types which as follows:

  • Increment Letter From Employee to the Employer.
  • Increment Letter From Employer to the Employee.

Increment Letter From Employee to the Employer

The increment request by the employee to the employer, format is as follows:

Increment Letter Format For Employee

<Employee Name>

<Employee Address>

<Phone Number>

<Email address>


The Manager

<Company name>

<Company Address>

Dear Mr./ Mrs.

I am very grateful for the opportunities which I got from <company name>, I learned a lot from those responsibilities and the challenges which were faced by me but I always gave my 100 per cent to achieve the targets and accomplish them as well. I bring your attention to my past achievements for the company, Here are some of my achievements and my accomplished targets list:

<Mention all your past achievements for the company>

However, I didn’t get any increment from the past year, and what I am getting in this position is an average salary. So I want you to see this matter and give your kind attention to this and kindly do this needful. If there is any better opportunity you have, I am open to it.

Thank you in advance

Your Sincerely

<Employee Signature>

Increment Letter From Employer to the Employee

The increment letter which is given by the employer to the employee, the format is as follows:

Format of Increment Letter from the Employer

Date: 02Feb 2024

Name of the Employer: ABC

Designation: XYZ

Employee Code: 123

Company Name

Subject: Salary Increment letter

Dear <employee name>, for the completion of the two years, we are glad to give a 30% increment on your present CTC. As we see your performance data is given by your Reporting manager as well as by the Head of your department. They both are very happy to see your performance in the past two years’ journey. Your reconstructed salary will be <amount> per annum.

We want to show our gratitude for your hard work for the organization, and we hope you will continue this growth journey with us.

Best wishes

<Name of the HR>

<Signature of the HR Head>

<Signature of the HOD>

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the format of the salary increment letter?

Some of the essential points that you need to mention to make a formal Increment letter, which is as follows:
Mention Your Name & Designation,
Mention the Name of the Employer & designation,
and the address company or organization name,
Use formal Salutation,
Write the Subject line,
Mention your target achievements and target completion details
Mention the justification of your letter, and why they need to give you an increment.
Mention the percentage of increment you want and also mention if they have any better opportunity for you or negotiation if you are open to it.
End your letter with a humble request and mention the greeting.

How I can ask for a salary increment?

The salary increment letter was mainly given to the Reporting manager, the Manager or the Head of the Department, or the HR department.

What is the essential point kept in mind while writing the increment letter?

When you are writing a letter you should keep some important points in your mind that is:
the letter should be written in a formal manner,
Avoid grammatical mistakes
Don’t use Hi-FI words.
Your letter shouldn’t be lengthy
Try to bold the important points.
Don’t use Italic Format.

What are the criteria on which salary increment is based?

The main and foremost criteria are the employee performance, how many targets they achieve, your bonus and increment and promotion totally depend on your achievements.

Who decides the salary increment?

The salary increment is decided by the manager or the Head of the department, only when the HR department sends the request form for the salary increment, but it is in the hand of the HOD how much he will give increment to you.

How to convince your manager or the HR department to the salary increment?

By showing your worth, that you deserve that hike, then only you get the raise on your salary and there is a popular saying that “your work speaks”

When to ask for a salary increment?

You need to ask for an increment at the right time when the company is making profits when the employee comes under the scorecard of the beneficiary, according to the market pay rate, and the rest of the increment depends on your performance and dedication towards the work.

What not to include in the salary increment letter?

Don’t act like a victim, that you are facing so many financial problems and also don’t use the other employee’s name for your increment, these all things give your a negative impression.

How to communicate with the manager about the salary increment?

Firstly, you need to grab their attention towards your work performance, which can only be possible when you hit the targets and accomplish them on time. On the behalf of your performance scorecard, you can communicate with your manager either by email or by formal letter.

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