One Nation One Ration Card Yojana; Apply ONORC एक देश एक राशन योजना

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Reported by Pankaj Bhatt

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One Nation One Ration Card Yojana scheme was launched by PM Modi on 30th June 2020. With the help of this scheme, the beneficiaries are able to lift their entitled foodgrain from any ePOS-enabled FPS. Once the scheme is implemented by all states and UTs it will benefit approx 80 Cr beneficiaries. ‘One Nation One Ration Card‘ and the PDS system in this country are of great significance as they help millions of citizens to get their food supplies as per the National Food Security Act (NFSA).

To make the PDS system more flexible and accessible for all the beneficiaries, the Government introduced the ‘One Nation One Ration’ Yojana’, and by 31st July 2021, this scheme will be implemented in the entire nation for all the beneficiaries.

Update: FM Nirmala Sitharaman said that the One nation One ration card” scheme has been implemented by 32 States and UTs which will benefit around 69 crore beneficiaries across the nation and as per the data released by the NFSA it was almost 86% of the NFSA population across the country.

One Nation One Ration Card Yojana

One Nation One Ration Card Yojana
One Nation One Ration Card Yojana; Apply ONORC एक देश एक राशन योजना 3
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एक देश एक राशन कार्ड योजना: भारत सरकार ने 2020 में “वन नेशन वन राशन कार्ड” योजना शुरू की और लागु करने के बाद से लेकर अब तक इस योजना को देश के 32 राज्य और केंद्रशासित प्रदेशों ने इस योजना को अपने प्रदेश में लागु कर दिया है। वित्त मंत्री निर्मला सीतारमण ने बजट पेश करते हुए One Nation One Ration Card की बारे में बताया की अभी तक 69 करोड़ से ज्यादा लाभार्थी इस योजना के अंतर्गत आ चुके है और अब वह अपनी मर्जी से देश के किसी भी e-Pos इनेबल्ड फेयर प्राइस शॉप से अपने हिस्से का राशन खरीद सकते है। साथ ही उन्होंने यह भी कहा की बाकी बचे हुए राज्य और केंद्रशासित प्रदेश भी जल्द ही इस योजना को लागु कर देंगे

इस योजना के लागु होने केतहत सभी लाभार्थियो के राशन कार्ड को डिजिटल कर दिया जाएगा जिससे की वह देश के किसी भी जगह से अपना राशन ले सकेकेंद्रीय उपभोक्ता मामले, खाद्य और सार्वजनिक वितरण मंत्री राम विलास पासवान ने ट्वीट किया था कि यह योजना मार्च 2021 तक सभी लाभार्थियों को लाभ प्रदान करेगी। इस योजना के तहत, राशन कार्ड धारक एक ही राशन कार्ड का उपयोग करके देश भर में किसी भी एफपीएस दुकान से अपने हिस्से के राशन को प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

एक देश एक राशन योजना

Ram Vilas Paswan, the current Union Minister for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution announced the “One Nation One Ration Card” program in January 2020. This scheme has been launched to provide subsidized ration supplies to all the ration card beneficiaries through the Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) on the basis of the same ration card irrespective of their current dwelling place.

This scheme is mainly beneficial for the migrants who travel from one place to another in search of employment or livelihood. After the implementation of this scheme, beneficiaries can avail of the benefits across the nation using the same ration card.

Other central government schemes akin to this are One Nation One NCMC Card and One Nation One Health Card.

एक राष्ट्र-एक राशनकार्ड योजना

As per the present PDS system, an individual in a particular state can buy food grains or civil supplies from the Fair price shop in his/her locality but after the implementation of the One Nation One Ration Card system in the country, people now lift ration entitle to them anywhere from the country.

The government has recently announced that there will be 100% coverage under this scheme by March 2021. Currently, the scheme is in operation in only 32 states/UTs as a pilot program for checking the portability of this scheme, but from June 1st, it will come into effect in the entire country.

How does the ONORC Scheme work?

With the help of this One Nation One ration card Scheme, the people of India who hold the ration card can buy ration which is entitled to them from any PDS shop of the nation which is E-PoS Enabled. It was similar to the mobile number. You do not need to change your number if you move to any part of the country.

Benefits of One Nation One Ration Card Yojana

  • After the nationwide inclusion of the scheme, the duplicate and forged ration cards will be easily wiped out.
  • It enables people to purchase ration from any store across the nation.
  • The main benefits of the scheme will be avail to the labor who are migrated to other places in search of better wages or employment.

One Nation One Ration Card Scheme

ArticleRation card
Name of the program/schemeOne Nation One Ration Card (ONORC)
Total states/UT implementing the schemes currently  32
PurposeNation-wise portability of ration card holders
Announced ByRam Vilas Paswan
Date of inaugurationAugust 2019
ONORC Country-wide implementation from1st June 2020
Implemented throughout the country by31st July 2021
NFSA portal 

Features of ONORC

Have a look at the important feature of the ONORC Scheme-

  • ONORC is a Central Government initiative launched by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution in the month of January 2020.
  • Ram Vilas Paswan inaugurated it to check portability in two groups of states, i.e., Gujarat & Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh & Telangana, and now slowly-slowly 32 states have adopted the scheme.
  • It will be implemented in the whole country from 31st July 2021
  • The Main of the scheme is to provide food security benefits at affordable prices to the beneficiaries without any difficulty.
  • This scheme will allow ration card holders to avail ration supplies at subsidized rates from any FPS shop which was e-Pos enabled from any part of the country.
  • The One Nation One Ration Card IMPDS online portal will help to collect all the data of PDS systems across the nation on a single platform.
  • As per a recent tweet from the government, Migrants will be able to buy ration from any PDS of the country by March 2021. The government also says that 69 crores people from 32 states having 86% PDS population have been covered under this scheme by Jan 2021, and by March 2021, 100% coverage will be achieved.
  • To implement this scheme, a POS (point of sale) mechanism will be installed at every FPS shop so that the IMPDS portal can easily collect data.
  • Under this ‘one nation, one ration card’ scheme, the ration card of the beneficiary will be digitalized in order to get the benefit of the scheme by the central government without any problem.

Significance of One Nation One Ration Card

The main objective of this scheme is to provide nationwide portability of ration cards to the beneficiaries. Apart from this, there are various other benefits of this Central Government scheme. Have a quick look at all the major benefits of the ONORC scheme given as under-

  • Intra-state and inter-state portability of ration cards- The first and most important significance of this scheme is the interoperability of RC, which means beneficiaries can use their card to get their entitlement from any FPS shop whether it is in the same state or in another state using the same ration card. Before the introduction of this scheme, the ration card of one state was not valid in another state or any FPS shop other than the local FPS shop where the ration card holder is registered.
  • This scheme provides migrants universal access to ration shops (PDS) across the country.
  • Technology will play a big role in the implementation of this scheme across the country. On the basis of Electronic Point of Sales devices that will be installed at every FPS, data will be collected and reflected on IMPDS. The technology-initiated scheme will help in identifying the genuine beneficiary on the basis of biometrics.
  • It also provides ration card beneficiaries with a choice to select their ration dealer. In case they are not satisfied with their existing FPS dealer they can switch to another dealer without any problem. एक देश एक राशन कार्ड योजना
  • It will also help the government to achieve its target to eliminate hunger and provide food to every individual in the country.

States/ UTs Where the Scheme is in Operation Currently

Currently, there is a total of 32 States and Union Territories where this scheme is currently in force. The other states will implement the scheme from 1st June. Check which states have already implemented the scheme-

State/UTNFSA Beneficiary covered (by Dec 2020) in crore
Andaman and Nicobar Islands0.01
Andhra Pradesh2.68
Arunachal Pradesh0.08
Dadra & Nagar Haveli & Daman & Diu0.03
Himachal Pradesh0.27
Jammu and Kashmir0.70
Madhya Pradesh5.46
Tamil Nadu3.66
Uttar Pradesh14.66

Note: The data mentioned above was taken from the PIB Press release dated 2nd Feb 2021

ONORC Helpline Number

If you have any query related to the One Nation One ration card, then it could be resolved by connecting to the helpline number at 14445, which is issued by the authority.


However, there are 32 states which are following the One Nation One Ration card scheme, and the remaining states will implement it soon, the number of transactions as per the data available in the IMPDS portal (w.r.t inter-state portability) is low. But when we talk about intra-state it is quite high. So, with this, we can conclude that this scheme is quite beneficial for the migrants and other ration cardholders, and to make it more successful, the central government has to work effectively in association with the state government.

Important Links

Find More Details OnNFSA Official Website
For the Latest Updates, Refer ToNVSHQ Homepage


When was the One Nation One Ration Card scheme inaugurated?

It was officially inaugurated in August 2019 and was implemented in 32 states by the end of Dec 2020.

I have a Bihar Ration card, but currently, I am in Madhya Pradesh. Can I use my ration card to purchase food grains here?

Yes, this scheme is being implemented in Madhya Pradesh. Therefore, you can use your Bihar ration card in MP.

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