Environmental Pollution Essay for Students and Children in English

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Reported by Pankaj Bhatt

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Environmental Pollution causes harm to the ecosystem, biodiversity, and also human being. It can be a human-made or natural type of pollution, which either be created by human activities which might be intentionally or unintentionally, or natural pollution can be created by natural catastrophes like a flood, droughts, earthquakes, etc. The main reason for this uncontrollable Environmental pollution is deforestation, because of industrial waste, and the increase in air pollution which depletes the ozone layer of the atmosphere.

Environmental Pollution Essay for Children

To spread awareness about Environmental Pollution, the government every year celebrated World Environmental Day on the 5th June. The word environment comes from the word “Environia” which implies “surround” the thing which surrounds us whether it is abiotic or biotic substances, surround by all the natural forces.

“The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.”
-Lady Bird Johnson

Environmental Pollution Essay

What is Environmental Pollution?

There is a famous phrase by Ladybird Johnson, “ The Environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.” Environmental pollution is intentionally or unintentionally created through human activities or it can also get polluted by natural calamities as well and these natural disasters are the result of the destruction of the environment because of human actions. To raise issues against Environmental pollution, in 1974 Stockholm started to celebrate Environment Day at the conference of the Human Environment on 5th June every year and the theme of the World Environment Day is “Only One Earth.”

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Environmental Pollution could be of various types like Air Pollution, Thermal Pollution, Water Pollution, Soil Pollution, or Land Pollution, & Radioactive Pollution which affects the worldwide ecosystem, it also affects the biodiversity, which makes most of the animal get endangered and also extinct.

According to the world counts data from 2011 and 2015 around 20 million of the forest was cut down, but from the year 2016, the rate of cutting trees raises by 8+ million more. When we see the data of 2001 to 2008, globally around 36 lakh and 10 thousand sq. km trees were lost and from that India lost larger than that in the year 2000. So these all are wake calls for all of us, and we all have to take responsibility. This Earth is ours and all of us make an effort to save it!

Environmental Pollution Essay for Students

What is Environmental Pollution?

Environment pollution is the result of the homo sapiens’ miserable activities, for making their lifestyle simple and full of comfort. What do you think? Deforestation is the destruction or reconstruction of the living style. If you see the world counts data, the falling of forest is increased by 8 million from the previous data.

Do you ever think, about how much it harms the environment? We all want to live with comfort, and that’s not the problem but to achieve that life indirectly we all harm our environment which not only affects the climate but also destruct biodiversity.

What are the types of Environmental Pollution?

There are various types of pollution that affect the Environment drastically, which wreck the ecosystem and the biodiversity of the environment through which the balance of the environment will be maintained. Here is the list of Environmental pollution: –

Air Pollution

Air pollution is caused by noxious Substances like Radioactive pollutants, Carbon dioxide, Volatile organic compounds, Sulphur dioxide, Carbon monoxide, and much more gases like this, which cause destruction of the atmosphere and leads to the depletion of the ozone layer and moreover the drastic changes in the climate.

What is Cause/Sources of Air Pollution?

Have you ever heard or feel that there is suffocation in the environment when you breathe especially when you are in a metro city for example Delhi, where air quality is low, except this covid-19 where the whole world is using a mask, but it is quite usual in Delhi or many other states. Some of the reasons for this degradation of air are given below: –

  • Industrial wastes, which gets released into the atmosphere, causing the depletion of ozone layer.
  • The most essential thing today’s lifestyle without which we cannot imagine to survive, our Vehicle (transportation).
  • You all must have heard that in 2020 about the bizarre fire in Amazon Forest around 1,880 fires detects and it doesn’t happen naturally, it is a result of environmental pollution which causes an extreme change in climate and increases global warming.

Thermal Pollution

Thermal pollution is induced by changing the temperature of the water. Thermal pollution can decrease the amount of oxygen level which kills aquatic lives.

What is Cause/Sources Thermal Pollution?

According to the report around 80 percent of water pollution comes from the agriculture field because of harmful chemical fertilizers used by farmers for their crops yielding and every year many of the aquatic animals either lost their life or migrate to other places. There is some reason which causes Thermal Pollution:

  • The very first reason for thermal pollution and the migration of aquatic animals is water warming. Water warming is occurred because of less concentration of oxygen which makes them difficult in breathing inside water for water animals. As per the theory, cold water carries more oxygen than hot water.
  • The second one is the enhanced toxicity into the water, all the industrial waste, sometimes spill of oil into the oceans, which creates a dangerous mutation, however, either it will kill the aquatic Flora and Fauna.

Water Pollution

Water pollution can be caused by plastic or any solid waste simply thrown into the water, by spilling of oil tanks, sewage waste, etc. Many farmers used chemical fertilizers to grow crops rapidly, however, it causes soil contamination and makes the underground water polluted, which many drinks in their daily life. Today what we are eating and drinking will decide how much healthy we are. We need to spread awareness against water pollution and save water. There are a few reasons which cause water pollution as follows:

What is the Cause/Sources of Water Pollution?

Water is the essential source of living, we cannot imagine to spent our livelihood without water, so why we all are so careless to conserve water, the abundance of water is more on Earth, but from that only 3 percent is there which we can drink, and according to the research soon we lost the God’s gift.

  • One of the main reasons for water pollution is the agricultural projects, which runs by the government, obviously to increase the production of the crops. But, is it actually doing things in a good way? By using many antibiotics, use of nitrate, and heavy metals, artificial growth hormone regulators can be used to raise the production of the crops. All these things get mixed with the water through groundwater.
  • Another reason is the manufacturing company activities, which generally depend on Mining, In many foundries where metal gets melted and emits lots of gases which are directly released into the water by converting the gaseous molecules into small particles and the process is called as gasification.

Soil/Agriculture/ Land Pollution

Soil pollution degrades the quality of land or induces impairment to agriculture that’s why it is also known to be Land or Agriculture pollution respectively. The reason behind the soil pollution is chemical fertilizers and pesticides used by farmers to increase the production of the crop and protect it from insects, which slowly leads to the barren land and then no more crops will grow in that land.

What is the Cause/Sources of Soil Pollution?

As the above mentioned pollution, is correlated with Soil pollution, if you polluted the land where you live, and from where you eat and drink, it directly harms the environment as well as human beings and animals.

Do you know many of animals died because of eating such poisonous crops, many aquatic animals lost their lives and some of them get extinct or on the verge of endangered species?

How to Overcome the Environmental Pollution?

There are many ways to prevent environmental pollution and every individual must involve in it. They have to do their individual part to save the environment, each and everyone is sharing the same environment, so it is the responsibility of every individual to give something back to the environment.

Even though the government is also well aware of the consequences of the destruction of the Environment, if we harm the environment it will come to all of us and we all have to suffer from the consequences.

Every year, the environment gives us warning in many ways through their natural calamities, and recently you all heard the news about the Kerala flood due to which about 80 per cent of the state land drowned in that flood, just like you heard about many cyclones, storms, earthquakes, avalanches, etc.

This Earth is Ours, We all are sharing it equally, So we have to take the liability. The government can only run the mission or movement but it is our duly responsibility to obey and help the government. Here is the famous phrase by John Paul:

“The Earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by future generations.”
—John Paul II

Ways to Control the Environment by Applying these habits in your daily life.

  • Don’t throw anything in the open drains, it will prevent water pollution.
  • Maintain your vehicle, as per the government guidelines and if possible try to ride a bicycle, it will make you fit and keep the environment beautiful.
  • Stop smoking, we all read that cautious note on that box but we never agree that, it not only harm your body but gives the contribution to rising air pollution.
  • Avoid using chemical fertilizers and pesticides, instead of that you can use natural fertilizers like cow dung, etc.

What are the steps taken by the Government to control Environmental pollution?

There are some of the missions run by the government to protect the environment:

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Mission


This mission is started by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in 2019 on the 150th birth anniversary of the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi. Under this National Movement of clean India, he carried out this mission to the whole India and starts this mission by cleaning the Varanasi river The Ganges. And this mission is still going on and the main vision of this movement is people get aware, that they are also the reason to pollute the water bodies of the Earth.



This mission is based on the 3Rs which are as: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, the main vision to start this movement is to save the environment from Land pollution, Water pollution, Air pollution, Thermal pollution, etc. According to the study of waste management, there are five types of dustbins: Black, Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, and White. According to its colour, we need to throw waste accordingly, so it will be easy to recognize What to reduce? What to Reuse? What to Recycle?

People who give contribution to save the environment

Here are some of the real-life heroes who are making an effort to save the environment and set an example to stand up for what is worthy!

  • Peera Ram Bishnoi
  • Ipra Mekola
  • Dr G V Ramanjaneyulu
  • Debi Goenka
  • Dnyaneshwar Bodke
  •  Pradeep Sangwan
  • Chinu Kwatra
  • Kalpana Ramesh
  • Lalita Mukati
  • Rohit Mehra

Movements Imply by the People to Save Environment

Here are some of the movements raised by our Heroes to Save the Environment, Save the Earth

  • Appiko Movement
  • Save the Sundarbans
  • Chipko Movement
  • Climate Action Strike
  • Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA)
  • Jungle Bachao Andolan
  • Right to Breathe Protest
  • Bishnoi Movement
  • Save Aarey
  • Tehri Dam Conflict
  • Save Dehing-Patkai
  • Save Silent Valley Movement

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Environmental pollution?

Environmental Pollution is can be a man-made or natural type of pollution, which either be created by human activities which might be intentionally or unintentionally, or the natural pollution can be created natural catastrophes like a flood, drought, earthquakes, etc.

How pollution can cause harm to the environment?

Pollution not only harms the environment but our health as well. All the diseases which exit today somewhere it the result of the destruction of the environment.

How environmental pollution can be prevented?

We all can prevent pollution, by becoming responsible citizens. because this is our and we all have to take steps to save it, it is not the responsibility of the individual person.

What is the mission starts by the government to Save the Environment?

The main mission which starts by the government is Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Reduce-Reuse-Recycle, etc.

What is the various movement run by the people to Save the Environment?

Here some of the various movements are as follows:
Appiko Movement, Save the Sundarbans, Chipko Movement, Climate Action Strike, Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA), Jungle Bachao Andolan, Right to Breathe Protest, etc.

Who are the people involve in the various movement to Save the Environment?

Here some of the names: Peera Ram Bishnoi, Ipra Mekola, Dr G V Ramanjaneyulu, Debi Goenka, Dnyaneshwar Bodke, etc.

What is water pollution?

Water pollution can be caused by plastic or any solid waste simply throw into the water, by spilling of oil tank, sewage waste, etc. Many of the farmers used chemical fertilizers to grow crops rapidly, however, it causes soil contamination and makes the underground water polluted, which many drinks in their daily life.

What is agricultural pollution?

Soil/Agricultural pollution is chemical fertilizers and pesticides used by farmers to protect or grow more crops leads to the land barren and after that, no more crops will grow in that land.

What is thermal pollution?

Thermal pollution is induced by changing the temperature of the water. Thermal pollution can decrease the amount of oxygen level which kills aquatic lives.

What is air pollution?

Air pollution is caused by noxious Substances like Radioactive pollutants, Carbon dioxide, Volatile organic compounds, Sulphur dioxide, Carbon monoxide, and much more gases like this, which cause destruction of the atmosphere and leads to the depletion of the ozone layer and moreover the drastic changes in the climate.

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