Essay on Women Empowerment; Essay in 500-600 Words for School Students

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Reported by Pankaj Bhatt

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Essay on Women Empowerment: The significant discrimination of women time and time again during the past centuries gave birth to the concept of women empowerment. The concept was first introduced during the UN’s third world Conference on Women while highlighting the need for equal social & economic power in favour of women. The term has created a mass impact since the meeting and now is highly talked about. If you are a student looking for an essay about this topic or simply want to gain more knowledge about women’s empowerment, this article is just for you.

Essay on Women Empowerment

While writing an essay on women empowerment you must make sure that you successfully capture the essence of the subject. It is important to explain the need for the concept and the implications it has made in society. Also, keep in mind that topics like this have the potential to turn controversial if presented in the wrong light, so ensure that doesn’t happen in your essay. You can check our essay on the subject to get a key idea to write your own version.

Essay on Women Empowerment
Essay on Women Empowerment for School Students

500+ Words Essay On Women Empowerment

Introduction: To create harmony in any aspect of the world there is an indispensable need of balancing the scales. The same implies when we talk about the man and women of the world. To create the best version of the world, we need to cultivate a fraternity where both men and women are given equal rights, equal opportunities & equal respect. The use of the word equal doesn’t mean to negate the fact that men and women often thrive in different tasks rather the word equal promotes equal credibility to the tasks that men and women bring together for this world.

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Need for the concept: In earlier times, women were often looked upon as the lower races of society. Their role was enclosed within the four walls of their homes. While some women weren’t allowed to show their faces in public some had no right to vote. Some were burnt alive after the death of their husband while some were deprived of even primary education. The list can surely go on. Different parts of the world had different forms of gender discrimination. Many places slowly grew out of their orthodox beliefs into a liberal light and started to correct this issue adopting the positive aspects of modernization. Some places still face the issue of gender inequality. In such a situation, it is important to raise awareness of this issue and uproot the old deteriorating beliefs.

How to balance the scales? The solution already starts to emerge when the core reason for a problem is identified. One of the most important factors that create the gap between males and females in various nations is ideology. The ideology that is inculcated within our tender minds when we are young children. This is a common problem in various sections of the world. To rectify this ideology, we must spread awareness, promote education and speak up on social platforms where it can actually make an impact. The government is already addressing this issue by enforcing schemes which empower the status of women, some of these schemes are Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojana, Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana and many more. We as citizens should also promote gender equality and stop stereotyping on the basis of gender. Practices such as Dowry and ceremonial implications should not be entertained by folks in this timeline of modernization. Beliefs can be respected without discriminating against a section of society (here females).

Conclude the essay: In the end, we must realize that we are most powerful when we work together as a team. If men and women can embrace this philosophy they can together create an environment that gives birth to progress, creativity & independence. Each person has a unique role in the community we must not bind an individual merely to a gender stereotype to judge their life choices. If we openly support each other’s dreams for a better nation rather than pulling each other down on trivial details we will continue to suffer as a whole. So, should we create a foundation for a progressive world or should we resort back to creating division? The choice is ours!

Thank you for reading our essay. We really hope that it served useful for you in any way.

What is the meaning of women empowerment?

The concept of women empowerment promotes the idea of women having power over their own life where no external influence dictates their role in society. The idea promotes equal opportunities and status for women.

How can we promote women empowerment on an individual level?

We can promote women empowerment on an individual level by spreading awareness, stopping being gender biased, stopping stereotyping, using the power of social media, opposing ill practices such as dowry, and respecting both genders equally.

Are feminism and women empowerment the same thing?

We can say almost, while feminism is a movement, women empowerment is the result of the movement. These notions go hand in hand but they vary to a certain degree.

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