Article Writing – Steps of Article Writing

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Reported by Pankaj Bhatt

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Article Writing – Steps of Article Writing: Article Writing is a hobby of many but some of you do not know how to start with it and how to achieve the perfect article. We follow so many writers’ different styles and admire their works but ever wondered how they write such a brilliant piece of work? Writing styles can vary for different writers but all of them follow some specific steps to write a creative article that their readers enjoy while reading.

Steps of Article Writing
Steps of Article Writing

The article should be written in such a way that it should answer the question of the target readers and they should enjoy it while reading. This article will help you to understand how to write an article step by step so that the next time you a writing an article you don’t face any problems in it and produce an excellent piece of writing. The steps to writing a good article are given below.

Steps of Article Writing

Choose Your Topic

The very first step of writing an article is to select a topic. Select your topic very wisely and the topic should be that which interests you. Make a list of the article which interests you and see in which topic you have more content to write. Stick to a particular topic as writing on a specific topic is easy and your content does not appear scattered.

Target Reader

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After you have decided on which topic you want to write consider what your target audience wants to read. Why the particular reader is coming to read your article what are his doubts and is your article is solving his doubts or not? Structure your article in such a way that it should answer the question of the readers. Besides this try to make your article engaging so that the reader is hooked while reading it. It should be knowledgeable and interesting to read.


After you have decided on your topic go through the different resources and existing material available on that topic. Do in-depth research about the topic. See what others writers have included in their articles on similar topics or closely related topics and take ideas from that. If you are writing research papers collect points to support your claims. It is advised that before writing go through a variety of articles on the same topic or closely related topics. This helps you to structure your article well.

Rough Draft

After going through the different materials and resources start preparing a rough draft and an outline of your article. First, prepare your outline this helps you to organise your article and ideas will flow. You may get confused while writing an article as it contains a heading and subheading so to avoid confusion prepare an outline with each heading and subheading. You can edit it if you think it is not going with the flow. Once you have finalized your outline, prepare a rough draft of your article. Write freely and let your words flow.


Now that you have finished your writing it is time for you to start editing your article. Some major and minor changes will take place, and you will feel the need to move and even remove some sentences and even a paragraph or two. Don’t worry it is part of the process. Check for grammatical errors and do a spelling check also.


After editing your article proofread it article at least twice. Proofreading will tell you how your article is coming out and whether it is turning out as you wished for it or not. Look for minute mistakes and errors which must have been skipped during the editing.

Add Images, Infographic and Charts

Adding images, infographics and charts is cheery on the top. These make your article more attractive and help it to stand out. Infographics make your reader understand things more easily also. Adding images makes the article more attractive and readers find the more engaging to read. Charts help the readers to understand a huge information in a simpler way. As students understand and retain pictures more than the text adding charts in the article which is focused on them makes the article more appealing. In fact, not only for students but in organisations and companies the use of charts for an article is advised.

Tips For Article Writing

  • Select the topic wisely so that you can actually write about it in a flow and have a good quality of matter to go through it.
  • Keep in mind your target audience and remember to deliver the article in which your target audience can find their answers.
  • Use bullet points and pointers to convey your information. This makes your article more presentable.
  • Keep a notepad or sticky note along with you while writing an article. This helps to note down things.
  • Try to use easy and engaging language so that your reader enjoys what you are writing.
  • While you are writing try to focus on that only and don’t try to multitask. If you are writing, you should be doing that only at that particular time. Engaging in more than one task while writing reduces quality and productivity.

Hope these steps will help you while writing an article!!

Also read Diary Writing Formats Entries, Sample, Example and How to write

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