Summary of The Enemy Class 12 English

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Reported by Anshika Saxena

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Summary of The Enemy: The Enemy is written by Pearl Sydenstricker Buck. The story is based in the times of world war 2 when Japan and America were enemies and this gives us a message that how humans in their life ignoring all the pity things should always go for humanity and should always be put forward on every occasion. The message is delivered through the main protagonist of the story who is doctor Sadao.

Summary of The Enemy
Summary of The Enemy

Summary of The Enemy Class 12 English

The house of Doctor Sadao was on the Japanese coast and his father was a serious man of traditional upbringing. He used to follow his tradition and never liked changes in his life and in his tradition. He was very proud of his culture and tradition. To give the best education to Sadao he sent him to America thinking that when he will return he will be a great surgeon. And this happened when Doctor Sadao returned he became a great surgeon and a scientist too. While he was in America he met Hana a Japanese girl and married her and brought her back. Sadao was so good that General Takima never sent him with a trope.

One day when Doctor Sadao and Hana were standing on their balcony they saw that from the mist a person is coming who was not able to walk properly and was wobbling. Initially, they thought that he was a fisherman who was not well and ran to his help but as soon as they turned him over they both realized that he is a white man. Both Doctor Sadao and Hana had a similar thought that the person whom they just saw is their enemy.

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They were in dilemma now about what they should do whether they should help him or not as if they helped their enemy that would be their betrayal towards their country but looking at the condition of the man they just can’t leave him like that. When Sadao removed the cap of the white man he learned that he was a sailor and was in the US Navy.

Sadao thought that he can’t leave this man unattended now and checked him to find out that there was a bullet in the back because of external damage the wound was open and a lot of blood was coming out from it. Being a doctor Sadao put sea moss in his wound and both he and Hana carried the man to their house to operate on him and decided among them that as soon as he would treat him they would hand over him to General Takima.

After taking the man inside their house doctor Sadao asked Hana to bring some water and cloth to clean up the man but she ask him not to do this and that she will ask their servant to clean him up as soon as Hana asked their servant she immediately refused to help them as keeping an American soldier will be a crime against the nation. Hana and Sadao knew that it was dangerous and when their servant have to leave the house. But he knew as a doctor it is his ethical duty to serve his patient.

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Slowly as time goes on this American soldier recovered and his name was Tom. Now Sadao wanted to fulfill his second duty which was towards his nation. He do not want to betray his country but was not able to understand how to do it as he recently cured him and if informed the government they will kill him. To get the help he went to the General because he knew the General will never let anything happen to him. General never send Doctor Sadao with the rest of the troops because he himself was sick and asked him to stay back for his own treatment.

General was a self-centered person and when Sadao told him about the American soldier he asked Sadao if he will send some private men to assassinate that American prisoner. Sadao agreed to this first and he opened the door of the prisoner for the private assassinator. The first night went like this and the second as well as third but no one came to kill him. He then decided to free the prisoner himself and led him to safety. He arranged for a boat and all the other essential things. As soon as Sadao set him free he was feeling good and relieved.


Who is the writer of the story ‘The Enemy’?

The Enemy is written by Pearl Sydenstricker Buck. She is known by her Chinese name Sai Zhenzhu. She spent her most of her time in China and wrote a lot about them. She won a Nobel prize in literature for her work ‘The Good Earth’.

What is the theme of the story ‘The Enemy’?

The story explores a theme and idea of humanity winning over all the pity man-made grudges and conflict. Kindness wins over all wars, races,s, and religions. The story also explores the theme of the duty of a person towards his nation.

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