Save Girl Child Essay for Students and Children; Essay on Save Girl Child

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Reported by Pankaj Bhatt

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Save Girl Child Essay: “Save Girl Child” is a very common and equally relevant essay topic. If examinations in schools and Colleges are taken into consideration, then this topic will be very comprehensible and will be usually picked up for the composition section. If you are also asked to write up your thoughts on the topic in the format of an essay, you must keep certain points and quotes in mind. They shall help you while you frame your subject. Additionally, it is always better to take examples and derive ideas on what your essay should be like.

In the subsequent article, we have listed various points which can contribute to the subject of the essay, quotes to embellish it, and an example of Essay on Save Girl Child for reference. Read thoroughly to get insights into the topic and essay formation.

Save Girl Child Essay for Students and Children
Essay on Save Girl Child

Save Girl Child Essay for Students and Children

Essays are mainly of 5 types, Expository, Argumentative, Persuasive, Descriptive, and Narrative. Topics such as Save Girl Child mainly fall in the Descriptive category. The writer is supposed to explain the theme or concept and put ahead opinions and facts that further help in describing it. The students are required to analyse the meaning of the topic and relevant subject and provide insights into it. The topic is profound and the students are supposed to refer to national and international events that are important for the theme.

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The writer cannot deviate much from the topic in an essay and needs to closely understand what facts and precise information they need to add to the composition. The students must first be educated on topics like these since they are of national, international, humanitarian, and societal importance.

What points to include in the Essay?

Save Girl Child is a campaign that is specifically meant to realise the importance of Girl Children. While discussing the topic, the students need to explain in the essay what Saving Girl Child mean, why they need to be saved, and what is the relevance of the topic to the present world. The introduction of the essay must mainly compromise the explanation of what “Save Girl Child” means. For the constitution of the body or subject of the essay, the students can refer to the importance of the topic in the relevant world, how the campaign is being actively pursued in the present world, and what measures are being taken in order to support the movement.

In conclusion, the student can add how one can contribute to the campaign of saving girl children. The essay should not only bring out the essence of the topic but also establish a very firm stand on the importance of Saving Girl Children.

Quotes to add in Save Girl Child Essay

While writing the essay, the students can add quotes. This shall contribute to the beautification and establishment of the relevance of the topic. Adding factual sayings for famous quotes can prove to be very grammatically embellishing. It shall serve as an additional feature of the composition. The following saying and quotes can be added:

  • A female has the right to her body, even if she’s still in the womb.
  • Save Girl Child, Show your Humanism.
  • Save the girl child and insure the future.
  • A girl, not only educate herself but educate the whole nation.
  • A girl child is like a butterfly, she just needs your support and love.
  • A girl child of today is the wife, mother and grandmother of tomorrow. Save her!
  • You always need a mother, a sister and a girlfriend, then why do you bring your daughter’s life to the end?
  • Just like water, what our society needs most is a daughter.
  • Don’t act wild, save girl child.
  • Be human and stop violence against girls.
  • A strong wild little girl will grow to be a strong independent woman.

Essay Example on “Save Girl Child”

“Save Girl Child” is the gist of the Government of India initiative “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao”. The world has very dominantly faced issues pertaining to the safety of women. While there is a rise in feminism and a fight against patriarchal discrimination faced by women on a daily basis on a global level, India continues to deal with problems of female infanticide, daughter killings, early marriages, domestic violence, child rapes, abstaining from the provision of education, dowry, and so much more. Even though the situation is inching towards equality with each day passing and the number of feminists rising throughout the nation, there are still various regions that are perpetually dealing with social evils, especially at the stage of childhood.

The prime reason for the injustice is the belief that the problems should be ended at the roots of their cause. Thus, female infanticide and killing of female toddlers are still a huge matter of concern. To overcome these dominating ideas, the “Save Girl Child” idea is promulgated actively. The activists, volunteers, and officials aim to spread maximum awareness, promote the independence of female individuals by educating and employing, and strive toward the welfare of the Girl Children.

The Idea of conservation of the “Girl Child” exists due to inequality levels in society. All the social evils have ruined the balance of gender in the population. Without females, a society cannot grow. There are comprehensive biological, professional, personal, and various reasons for that. If the surroundings have no women at all, the model of a perfect nation will collapse. The reproduction will stop. Families will end since there will be no mothers, sisters, wives, and so on. The professional skills women bring out will cease to exist. An environment without women will create a social concussion due to the absence of general gender values and the importance they bring with them.

While the importance of women in society feels like a very valid motive, it needs to be observed that females are human as well. It is not humanitarian to control the life of any other fellow living being. Killing in the womb, or even legal abortion post-gender acknowledgement are highly criminal. Taking life by killing the fetus only for the reason that it will grow into a girl is very delinquent. Society needs to understand that a Girl Child also has her own right to life, education, independence, and freedom. It is crucial for patriarchal and mansplaining masculinity-dominated environments to realise the morals regarding basic human rights.

In order to work actively in favour of the “Save Girl Child” initiative, the Government is constantly promoting education and spreading awareness regarding the consequence. Thye offer policies which provide benefits to the parents of a girl child and also initiate campaigns towards the betterment of females. The activists and volunteers have established safe homes and constantly work through philanthropist activities and through NGOs toward the preservation of females. On a personal level, the citizens can stop committing crimes against a girl child and ensure the creation of an environment that is healthy and secure for them to grow up in. Reporting those who indulge in activities that fall against the campaign will eventually be very beneficial and in the interest of the purpose.

The world needs to be a better place for every human being and their right to exist must not be taken away from them. A Girl child only brings out happiness and positivity in society. As they say, “A girl child is like a butterfly, she just needs your support and love.” Thus, every citizen must work in the direction of “Save Girl Child” since, “A female has the right to her body, even if she’s still in the womb.”

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