Vote of Thanks Speech For Farewell Party – For College Students

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Reported by Pankaj Bhatt

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Vote of Thanks For Farewell Party: One of the toughest works in this world is to say goodbye. It is so hard for us to get and to bid farewell to someone with whom we were there for years. It is this speech that allows us to express our feelings to the person concerned.

At a farewell party, it is one’s utmost duty to say goodbye in a very loving manner. It is a platform where one can extend all his gratitude and heartfelt thanks for always helping him and standing by his side.

A vote of thanks at the farewell party is that token of love through a speech in which we thank all those persons whom we really are grateful. At the same time, we also get a chance to interact with the experiences of the ones who are leaving us and get a platform to learn from their previous mistakes.

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One of the crucial facts of a farewell speech is to impart the feeling that one has in order to say goodbye to a person. It is very difficult to thank and platter all the feelings that one has stored in his core of heart in the years one had worked together.

It is at this time when one can speak on behalf of their team and thank the team for being always with him. It is on this day that if a person could never stand to speak or get a chance to say a thank you to all of his fellow mates, then it is at this call of an hour that he can start up and say a warm wish to all of his friends, colleagues, and juniors.

So one has to be very confident in delivering his speech and should always maintain a humorous atmosphere and prefer to be always easy in speaking. No matter what should be his language or maybe he can skip any language barrier.

Vote of Thanks Speech
Vote of Thanks Speech For Farewell Party - For College Students 3

One should avoid getting nervous, and the main thing you can achieve is to bring out a smile in the face of people and maintain eye contact. Do not sweat while speaking or start having goosebumps. Stay stage-free on that day and plump out all your emotions that come into your mind in front of your school, college or organization.

If one has any hesitations in order to bring out heart touching speech and has an issue coming up about the whole process then this article is a roadmap that guides you in order to format your vote of thanks speech in a very organized manner. So, from now on if you have any issues in writing the article then just refer to this nugget of information and you will be a master at delivering your goodbye speech.

Vote of Thanks by the Head Girl of the School

Very good morning to all my respected teachers, my beautiful friends, and my loving juniors. As the head girl of this prestigious institution, I feel really blessed and privileged on having this Golden moment to deliver my feelings and emotions on behalf of myself and my whole class including my lovely classmates through the means of a vote of thanks on this momentous day.

I held the tiny hands of my parents and stepped into the pebbled pathway in order to get into my classroom and hurry with the Tiffin boxes with water bottles hanging around my neck. My tiny frock and the tiny ponytails ran along with me to sit in the class or run to the teacher in order to give her a favourite flower that I picked up in the morning from my garden and do the homework or classwork as fast as I can and showing it to the teacher in order to make my image— every minute thing piled up to be so big that in this course of time I didn’t even get a chance to remember that when my 12 years are passing away. Today it is an end of a phase in my life And honestly speaking it is so tough for me to believe that from tomorrow I will not be able to see the corridors of my school, will not be able to wish my teachers and will not get the last chance to eat the tiffin during the class hours.

It is so difficult to come out into reality when you have been living a life of a fairytale for the past 12 years. The journey of life is so interesting – when we start we feel it’s exciting, when we are moving through it we feel then we should leave it, and when we come to an end we regret all those years that we spent. Parting with these blessed friends and missing each moment that had been so special is an exceptional gravity of attraction. When we guys will store all our memories and returned to our home today, one thing that will echo for the coming years is the memories that we had built together with love, sprinkled with caramels of anger and sweet toss of jokes.

The amusing bunking of classes and the Long hour prattle and those sudden holidays! What an irony that in those days when we had holidays we loved them and when today we are packing our bags and going away we feel so devastated. All those tiny fractions summed up to be a great mountain this time.

Therefore, I would like to thank all my teachers who had been supportive with immense tolerance. If we don’t have our mothers outside, then it is the teachers who didn’t let us feel their absence. For every moment people are so secure and thank you for every little thing you did for us.

I would like to thank the members of the student committee and the supporting staff for the complete preparation of the farewell program. In this short span of time, they organized the program. Therefore they deserve a round of applause. I thank the members who remain behind the curtains and without whose contribution this program could not have been successful.

I also extend my heartiest thanks to the honourable principal Mam who offered me an opportunity to say a few words on this auspicious occasion and it is no doubt an honour for me. I must convey thanks to the honourable chief guest because no program can be complete without his presence and enthusiastic words. The last but not least, my heartfelt thanks to all the guests present here for spending their valuable time.

Vote of Thanks by the Senior Students of college

Feeling grateful and hiding it, is like wrapping a gift but not giving it. Today, I, Vishal Aggarwal, the president of the college committee, take the opportunity to say a few words of thankfulness. Being the president of the committee we enjoyed all the minutest moments in the college.

Four years back, when we entered the college we were given a freshers’ welcome and how swiftly the time had passed, we did not notice! Time flies in its own way. It seems as though we came a few days earlier. The first thing that attracted me was the playground on the right side which reminded me of my school days. It was drizzling. I wanted to run through it but I was new, and quite grown up, so cannot do what I wish to do. I controlled my emotion. Then during the monsoon, my friends and I used to go to the field to get wet. Some of my friends though willing to join yet, waited eagerly with a black big umbrella to take us. During the night hardly did we sleep rather than go to Uday’s room. Uday was a budding singer.

Many sleepless nights passed when we were found to be singing. How carelessly were we sitting by the side of a window! Often some of our friends felt very lonely, so we were there to crack jokes to have fun. Sometimes we went for a night out by hoodwinking others. often we celebrate our birthday in a close old age home by cutting a hand-made cake and chocolates along with fruits and nuts. But those happy days are over. Now the time has come to gird our loin and make our dream come true. We have to be aware of the world around us. Now no more time is left for sharing emotions. Here I draw a pause.

Hence  I extend my heartiest thanks to the hon me Principal Mr.Arman Sharma, the vice-principal Mr Sachin Tuteja and all the faculty members of the college who graced us with their presence and sermon of prudence. I would like to thank all our juniors for organizing such a farewell party on a grand scale and showing their interest in every little thing we did. Once again I thank everyone for making this program successful.

Vote of Thanks by an Employee in his Farewell Party

Good morning to all of you present here, especially to Mr.Venkateshwar, GM personnel, Mr. Ankit Bhatt AGM finance and Rachit DGM technical, and all those who are senior to me.

Being an employee Of this organization, I always tried to be very sincere. I don’t know how much I was able to satisfy my immediate boss but I left no stone unturned to suffice. Today, I am grateful to all of you for giving me such a haughty farewell party.

Today I remember the day I joined the office. I was too young at that time. I was appointed as an Executive 1. I was posted at Badrinath, Uttarakhand. Coming off a very warm background, I could not withstand the cold that prevails there. But I tried to accustom myself to that inconducive weather. Gradually I digested it and worked there. After working there for seven years I was transferred to another place that was having a town like atmosphere i.e Lucknow. Though far away from proper town yet never did I  waver to accept the challenge. So my message to all my juniors is that whatever work will be assigned to you, accept it instantly and get ready for it. Thus you will be growing in life. Nothing you will find difficult and you will get more and more chances to explore and expand. Sometimes you may not live with your family and children because of non -family station. There you should not feel sorry for this rather you must go ahead to fulfill your mission. Sometimes I was transferred to remote places in Delhi for generating 5000mega watt electricity. But when I was given the charge of lt, did not retreat. So in order to grow in life, you have to take up risks. That is how you will derive pleasure in life and your perspective will be mature. Now I will not take too much time .once again heartfelt thanks to you for offering me such a grand party. Thank you.

Vote of thanks by anEmployee of a company to the head of the organization.

Very good morning to all of you. On behalf of all the departments, I stand here to extend our heartiest thanks to you. Sir, you were always there to help us in every possible way.

Today we are grieved at heart since you will not be there from tomorrow. Sir, your style of working is quite different. We will miss you every moment sir. you have set a new record of achieving our target

Within a very short span of time. Sir, you taught us how to execute the project under tremendous pressure. We also learned how should we prioritize the factors and how could we rev up the rate of capability. To be always on the top is not an easy task. But it’s you sir who with the help of orientation programs and devising new strategies gave a dynamic shape to our dream. It’s your super brilliant mechanism and outstanding synchronization which ultimately made our project successful.

Finally, I thank you for every little help the company received from your end. Our company growth and efficiency have excelled its peer. Every year we used to have our bonus because of you sir. Now we feel that if you remain always with us and keep on guiding us, we will be thankful to you. We hope and believe that you will remain as a fatherly figure to our company life long. Thank you for your uninstinctive support and valuable guidance.

Votes of Thanks by the Head of the Institution/ Company

Today you all have assembled here to bid me goodbye. My feeling of gratitude knows no end. I am grateful to you wholeheartedly. The honor, the love, and the devotion you paid to me are of great worth. Today I am heavy at heart. I have been working here for a long thirty -years. By this time I tried to grow my organization and my team members as well. Whenever the charge of any project is handed over to me, I tried to make it a successful one. I believe in team spirit and always move with a team. whenever a group of people decides to do something unitedly, I think we can easily achieve our goal.

During my term, in the office, I have served for a long period and try to bring out a profit turnover each year. Also, a lot of strategies and analyses have I implemented during my service. Moreover, a lot of things have I discovered in myself and I tried to find out too many ways and explore myself. During these years I could discover a new form of me I am working as a director has not only fetched me with team spirit but also helped me meet people from different walks of life. There are many times when there is both good or bad which we need to face across but all these years I have learned how to manage up with situations and that’s what I want to impart to my juniors.

I also extend my heartfelt thanks to my subordinates who worked with me&stood by me at the time of any crisis. Being Head of the department of the organization I wanted to take up challenges along with my colleagues. I have heartfelt gratitude to all my seniors and my family and my friends for letting me achieve this position today that I am standing. Without that nothing would have been possible had my lovely juniors in subordinates who had worked with me for each and every time I wanted they help. It is a blend of team spirit which we always kept high. I want to thank everyone present here for giving me this position where I am standing today. It is a mixture of the effort of all the people I have come through in my life. At last, I would like to thank the Almighty for always keeping me safe and choosing the right path during my years of service. Thank you.

Thank your Speech by the Principal

Good morning everyone, my teachers by students, and my lovely little kids. Today I stand before you and I thank everyone to give me this opportunity to express my thanks to everyone as I am saying goodbye to all of you standing here.

Time has passed so quickly that standing here and looking back it’s just a moment of yesterday it seems. It seems to me that I had just joined the school some weeks before and working here somewhat new. Each day seems to be new and that’s how I loved my profession and when the clouds flew all those years and I got aged. It’s so strange that working all those years had never been tiring to be because everybody when I stepped into my school I got to see little kids running to me and giving me fresh flowers and marigolds just as a token of love. I regret that I may not be getting all those beautiful flowers and the toffees and the lovely smiles that I used to get ones that would make my day.

To be honest, I would miss every day every moment as my tenure as a principal had faced in my life. Dealing each day with the issues of the students, and working for the betterment of the school, I am working and developing myself was what I learned it all those years. Today I am leaving everyone up with a start at you And over a bunch of hopes for upcoming students, and I feel that they would uphold the torch of the school and be the virtues of tolerance peace, and love.

Thank you to all my lovely students. Sometimes I had to be rude in order to correct them and sometimes I used to laugh at their innocence. And this is how the sand clock revolved itself. It’s time to leave but it’s never the end because each end marks a start a new beginning. With this, I would like to extend my heartiest thanks to my teachers, my students, and my dear colleagues for always supporting me and standing by my side.

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