Farewell Speech for Students in English by a Teacher

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Reported by Anshika Saxena

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Farewell Speech for Students: Farewell is an important occasion in a school. It is the day when the school bids farewell to the batch which has completed their education. The institutions plan a large function for the event, and they wish the graduating students all the best for the time that is to come ahead in life.

If you are a teacher and have to give a speech on the day of farewell, the best way is to write it down and prepare it. The speech will be informal, and the students must be able to comprehend the ideas and messages that the speaker intends to give.

In the subsequent article, you will find the complete guide for writing a Farewell Speech for Students in English. Read further to get tips, messages, quotes, and templates for your speech. An exemplary speech has also been provided to allude to.

Farewell Speech for Students in English

Farewell Speech for Students in English

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Just as sad and overwhelmed as Students are on the day of Farewell, Teachers are too. They need to bid goodbye to the batch they have taught for a long time, and they too will not be able to see them on a daily basis. The farewell function is one of the most special occasions in a student’s life. Speech from a Teacher always brightens them up. This is a responsibility, and the speaker must thinkably examine what they must speak on the occasion. Thus, they must prepare a draft in advance and jot down the thoughts that they must include in the speech.

This will avoid any confusion while speaking and keep them prepared. Additionally, they will be entirely balanced and clear about what they should speak and not mention.

How to Write Farewell Speech for Students?

While writing the speech, you can observe the following tips and make your Farewell Speech for Students in English flawless:

  • The tone of the speech as to be warming and positive. No negative facts or pieces of information must be added to the speech and the ideas should also be positive and motivating.
  • Teachers need to respect the boundaries they are limited by since they are almost an authority. You must not entirely speak about emotions.
  • Speak on the behalf of Staff. If you include too much personal emotions, the speech will not interest other teachers and listeners.
  • The speech has to be about the entire batch as a whole. Do not speak about one or certain students, particularly in your speech.
  • Your speech must give the idea that you are proud and happy.
  • Motivate the students for their future endeavours.
  • While trying to talk about inspiration, it will be better to add famous sayings as they will sound assuring.
  • Add tons of wishes for the batch passing out.
  • Do not speak for too long as it shall bore the students and the audience.

Quotes for Future Motivation and Inspiration

Adding quotes to the speech will make it better to listen to. In the speeches where a teacher is addressing the students, the best quotes that can be added are inspirational or motivational. You can include the following quotes and sayings by famous people in your speech to make it seem more assuring:

  • Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Someone will declare, “I am the leader!” and expect everyone to get in line and follow him or her to the gates of heaven or hell. My experience is that it doesn’t happen that way. Others follow you based on the quality of your actions rather than the magnitude of your declarations. ~ Bill Walsh
  • Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it’s holy ground. There’s no greater investment. ~ Stephen Covey
  • Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbour, and catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover. ~ Mark Twain
  • Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. ~ Albert Einstein
  • The battles that count aren’t the ones for gold medals. The struggles within yourself—the invisible, inevitable battles inside all of us—that’s where it’s at. ~ Jesse Owens
  • Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. ~ Steve Jobs
  • Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman, not the attitude of the prospect. ~ W. Clement Stone
  • If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint,” then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced. ~ Vincent Van Gogh
  • Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve. ~ Mary Kay Ash

Messages to add to the Speech

The speech must send a message of good luck and must be loaded with wishes for the future. This is the sole expectation that a student can have from the teachers, to wish them a brighter future. Here are a few messages and wishes you can add to your speech. You can also say similar things in order to convey your wishes for the life ahead:

  1. Gratitude is the secret weapon which makes you blind to the things you lack. May God keep you grounded in gratitude and lift you to new heights of success and prosperity.
  2. To take yourself to a new level of glory get ready to surmount the new challenges and appear victorious.
  3. I know you have all the calibre to win every race of your life. This is just another race. Good Luck and do well.
  4. The decisions and actions taken today decide our tomorrow. Do better.
  5. Go out and give it your best shot. Whatever happens, you’ve already got a lot to be proud of!
  6. Results and marks, failure or success, deal or no deal depend on what you think, do, and achieve. Good Luck!
  7. Do well and come out with flying colours of success and achievement.
  8. Your destiny is decided by how involved you are in each moment of your work. Live in present and give your best. Your dreams will soon come to life.
  9. Leave behind your all worries and start living with confidence. As long as you have faith in yourself, no one can beat you. Compete in a race not with the aim of winning it, but with the desire of giving your best.
  10. Don’t let your mind wander between the past and the future. Conquer your present and you can conquer your life.

Template of the Speech

The speech must be written in a manner that follows the subsequent template if you wish to write your speech in a specific format:

  • Open your speech by wishing everyone Good Morning, Afternoon, or Evening.
  • Welcome the Principal, other staff members, and the students.
  • Introduce the occasion and speak about it.
  • Briefly, speak about the emotions or the mood of the room.
  • Speak about past experiences of the batch and how they turned out to be in the present.
  • Talk about their bond with each other and how they are special.
  • Give a brief insight on what the staff members and authority feel upon their departure post-graduation.
  • Motivate and inspire them about the times that are to come ahead.
  • It is also advised to give some tips from personal learnings to the batch that is to explore the world.
  • Tell them that no matter what their school is still special for them and they can depend on the teachers for mentoring and guidance in life.
  • Wish them luck for the life ahead.

Example of Speech in English

Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening,
A very warm welcome to the respected Principal, Teachers and my dear students. Today is one of those occasions that come every year which leave us overwhelmed. There is a sudden influx of multiple emotions at every moment. We as the school authorities and staff feel proud but also sad. We get an emotion of happiness where we envisage for a bright future but shed a tear or two because the fun times have ended and there are just reminiscences. This day is, Farewell. A day we equally hate and love. Congratulations to the Batch of Class 12 for graduating!

It seems like yesterday when we welcomed you, and taught you how to draw triangles and today you all are capable enough to define theories about it. It is astonishing that your growth over so many years seems to have gotten over in such a short duration. But it did not. To us teachers, everything feels to have ended so quickly because while you were growing, all we did was contently watch you do so and take pride in every milestone you acquired in your journey. Each one of you has been extremely notorious in class but equally sincere in your work. We have scolded you and seldom been hard on you with your studies. As teachers, we might have also failed to understand at some times but just like we forgive yours, you have always accepted us as your own and forgiven us. The bond we share with you is irreplaceable and unmatchable.

Each batch has to pass out some day or the other. We teach a lot of students and develop the same feeling of love for them. However, your batch was different. We love you slightly more than all. Not because we expect you to get better grades than all, of course, do. But, we have seen you being all mature and sensible in tough situations. You have brought glory to this school on multiple occasions. Even though you were weak in certain aspects, you had the zeal to learn. You took inspiration from each other. Your batch is not a group of students admitted to a school, it is a unit.

Today, we feel like our children have all grown up and they are leaving us and settling abroad. We feel like mothers who have to bid goodbye to their kids. But, at the end of the day, we all have motherly warmth for you. You all shall move out and deal with the ups and downs of your life but as you do that, always remember, as you will do so, you will always find us standing right here to support you, praying for your success and happiness. The mantra to success for me is being clear that you have to become successful and turn into an incredible and true human being. Just remember what Gautam Buddha said, “The mind is everything. What you think you become.” and your life will keep simplifying the moment your thoughts do.

There is a very bright future ahead of you. We wish you the utmost happiness and growth. May you reach the top of the world, explore all that you want, earn whatever would make you happy, and keep doing good for the world and the community. Keep being you and enjoy each phase of your life that is to come forward. This place will always be a home to you. Make sure you make some homecomings in the journey of your life as well. All the Best. Adieu!

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