Essay on Save Water Save life for students and children (Long/Short Essay)

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Essay on Save Water Save life (Long)

Earth is called a blue planet because 71% of earth covered with water and rest 29% is a part of land, from that only 0.3% is potable water. And every living life needs water for survival- a required utilization of water and teach everyone how to save water can make a great step to save water for your children and their children also.

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If we cannot think about it right now, then it going to be harmful to future and every place become a Rajasthan, and nothing will be left for children and pupil, so how they are going to survive, with this disastrous gift from there old ones. They have to walk miles and miles for the search for water, like old days. Is that the future, we want for them? Scientists and researchers gave the warning sign to the whole world, if we wake up not right now, then only regrets will be left with us.

According to scientists, the quality of water is degrading day- by- day, because of water pollution, and even though they have to suffer from many water-borne diseases. This thing happened in Andhra Pradesh, around 200 people suffered from a mysterious disease which latterly, known to be Elura, because of contaminated water, all these happening is a wake-up call for all of us. Otherwise, there is no bright sunrise for our Future.

It is predicted by researchers, that by the year 2050, water stress will be double, because of global warming. As per the data, from less than a year, around two-thirds of the global population faces water scarcity.

By conserving water, and utilise it as per the requirement, we can save crops, also save the lives of many farmers, who commit suicide because of their loss of the crop because of drought, we all cannot imagine life without water. So, can’t we take a small step for ourselves?

 The key target all over the world, how to decrease global warming and methods to save water. In fact, in India, there is a mass movement has been started by PM Modi to conserve water, ‘JanShakti4JalShakti., he tweeted,” our efforts today will improve lives of the future generation” and appeal to the people to come forward and join hands together, to this motion, as if there is a saying in Hindi “Ekta hi shakti hai”.

How all the state government actively participate in this moment, by making their state better and secure future of their followings:

  • By fixing the drainage linkage, to avoid waterlogging, the Punjab government took a necessary step in this problem
  • Villages of Telangana, construct a water tank, step to conserve rainwater
  • In Rajasthan, small ponds, make a lot of change in people’s lives, improves the farm.


Yeah, it’s a true saying that, 71% of the earth’s surface covered with water, but only pocket-size availability of drinking (0.3%). According to news, after 2050 there will be no accessibility of water, and therefore, it’s a thing which needs to worry about and, hence it’s necessary to save water for ourselves and our future from scarcity.

There is the mass movement has been started by PM Modi to conserve water, ‘JanShakti4JalShakti., he tweeted,” our efforts today will improve lives of the future generation” and appeal to the people to come forward and join hands together, to this motion, as if there is a saying in Hindi “Ekta hi shakti hai”.


Water is an essential part of our daily lives. Whenever it comes to write about water we have to be an expert about its uses and its importance in our daily life. One needs to know about the essence of water and its role in the day to day lives. Therefore this article is a roadmap for all the readers in order to cater you to the fact of writing about water and Saving a life.


Water, water everywhere not a drop to drink———the famous romantic poet rightly said this because70%of  earth is water while the remaining 30%is land, Thereby depending upon the desired quantity of water it is expected that only clean and pure water should be taken in though the major portion of the earth is covered with water. It is the prime source of life on earth and is known as life .

Water is the source of life on earth. No living being on this earth can live without water. The necessity of water cannot be ignored. In every sphere of life the necessity of water is fit. Irrigation, industries, transport, drinking, bathing, and many other fields in a day to day life. With the coming of dirt, pollution and sewage water becomes an essential place for its disposal. Agriculture needs water for production of crops and farmers play a very important role in utilizing water purification. Different sorts of fish are available in the sea that lives in water. Forest are also big various sorts of things and had to maintain equilibrium today. Hydroelectricity is playing a major role that has been possible due to water resources.

So, Water seems to be the essence of life through which we live, utilise, and which saves thousands and thousands of lives on this earth. A day without water is so horrific that it becomes so terrible. So everyone should try to save water and live life happily and let live.


A world without water is neither imaginable door acceptable. Think of a desert life with proper vegetarian is really found. Only cactus and thorny shrubs are available mostly barren lands are found people of those lands at deprived of water and agricultural benefit be it crops, fruits, flowers. Life of those people also becomes miserable due to extreme water and weather condition. Water scarcity is a terrible horror for them.

On this earth the most important source of the five matters is water. Being a colourless, orderless flavorless, and unaromatic material in place to be the most specific part of each one’s life. The sphere of life has the necessity of water which is felt in the nerves. In our day to day lives are it education, industries, transport, drinking or bathing water becomes an essential sector of life. Whenever we come to the sewage and dirt and the toxic material disposal, it comes only to Water where we can dispose all of these things. Even when it is the part of transpiration in a plant it is the evaporation of water. Coming to hydroelectricity, water is playing a major role due to its importance.

Water acts as an eternal solvent on this planet and this whole earth constitutes about 70% of water. Whenever it comes to drinking it is only this specific liquid that lets us live and contributes to the survival of its creatures. If you look back into the history of Water we see that irrigation is one of the important things when we plan a city to build.

Water serves the purpose of psychological, mental, digestion and cardiological and excretory function of all the animals and it also helps the plants to have different functions like photosynthesis, transpiration at even osmosis.

So instead of wasting water, try to save it because it is only in our hands but we can protect the lives. Wastage of water leads to the wastage of life. As a water saver, we can contribute to save millions of lives in this world. Appreciating its utility, one should look forward to always save water and understand its importance. Therefore, Save water save life.


One of the life saving aspects on this earth is water. The world constitutes about 70% of water and saving it has become an essential part of this daily life. It is impossible to continue without consuming water. From washing machine, washing our mouth in the morning and bathing, drinking altogether water plays a very important role in our lives. Acting as an eternal solvent which is having the characteristic of being colourless,  odourless, flavorless, and unaromatic, Water plays the source of life on this earth.

Leading to the process of photosynthesis, transpiration, osmosis water has everywhere work to go on. One can live without food for number of days but without water no one can think of. The human body itself comprises of a major portion of water for smooth functioning of different systems of the body Water acts as an eternal solvent. Whenever it comes to drinking it is only this specific liquid that lets us live and contributes to the survival of its creatures. If you look back into the history of Water we see that irrigation is one of the important things when we plan a city to build.

Water serves the purpose of psychological, mental, digestion and cardiological and excretory function of all the animals and it also helps the plants.

Cities are mainly industry-based and industry requires a huge quantity of water not only for producing commodities but also for washing their dirt. For generating electricity, hydro power project is giving more and more emphasis. Due to the coat crisis, people have become more and more interested in hydroelectricity by which cost of generation of electricity will be cheaper and distribution of it will be far-reaching.

A world without water is neither imaginable door except evil. We cannot but except the fact that due to the consumption of water or food is being digested and their discharge properly. Water is hugely found on this earth but only from a healthy resource, the water can be consumed. In case of plants also food is transferred from the phloem into the xylem with the help of water. The modern beauty concept has the more in water because the more we consume it the more we have the glow in our face.

The earth surface is having a blanket of both land as well as water. The part containing water is only 3/4 out of which 97% of this water is found to be in the ocean and is non-consumable because of its salty taste. Humans don’t consume salt water and therefore three fourth of this water is not fit for human use. When we come to the fact of freshwater we get to see that only 2.7% of whole water is found of it. Therefore out of which 70% of this freshwater consumes its self in the part of glaciers. Most of these glaciers is found in the coldest continent that is Antarctica and some places of this earth which are completely out of human reach. Left 1% of this freshwater can be used for human purposes. So this 1% water which can be Consumable should be preserved as a very essential resource. The main causes of wastage of water leads to the increase in population and day to day urbanization. The over use has also led to the contamination of freshwater with toxic resources. Therefore scarcity of water is a major cause of concern in this modern century.

Therefore, living a life without water is completely impossible. The day to day irrigation, drinking bathing and working out all the chores need an essential feature of water in it. We can survive without food but we cannot survive without water. Places where there are a scarcity of water there is also very much difficulty in growing crops. Agriculture is even not possible there. Therefore if water is not their food availability also becomes a matter of concern.

Water has its feature in each part of life be it psychological or physiological or the whole regulation of any living system. It regulates our digestive system as well as works for the transportation of its self in the plants through the roots. It balances the whole pressure in a perfect living system add synchronizes all the functions together. Therefore, life without water is completely hypothetical.

Wasting water, is trying to waste a life. Nowadays in order to conserve water we do rainwater harvesting or try to save water by closing all the tabs we refer it is not needed. All the methods of preserving water is applicable in all the water scar city places and it saves billions of life from dying. Water if used in perfect manners and in an organised development then the society has a chance to synchronise its balance in it. We need to amplify the methods of saving water and there by saving life.



Water is the main source for this revival of all creatures on earth. Due to the existence of water, the earth is the only planet with a life of every being is possible. No being on this earth can survive without water. It acts as an eternal solvent on this planet. The earth consists of 70% of water. Water everywhere, not a drop to drink. Though the major portion of the earth consists of water, yet very less a quantity of water is consumable. Therefore water conservation has become a major issue of which everyone is aware of.


Water is the source of Life on earth. No living being on this earth can live without water. The necessity of water cannot be ignored. In every sphere of life the necessity of water is fit. Irrigation, industries, transport, drinking, bathing and many other fields in a day to day life. With the coming of dirt, pollution and sewage water becomes an essential place for its disposal. The agricultural needs water for production of crops and farmers play a very important role in utilising water purification. Different sorts of fish are available in the sea who live in water. Forest are also big various sorts of things and had to maintain equilibrium today. Hydroelectricity is playing a major role that has been possible due to water resources.

(Functioning in plants and humans):

Water is the essence of life. Every mortal requires water to survive. We can live without food for number of days but without water no one can think of. Human body itself comprises major portion of water for the smooth functioning of different systems in our body.Water helps to carry food from one part to another part of the body. We cannot but accept the fact that due to the consumption of water or food is being digested and then discharged properly.

In case of plants, also food is transferred from phloem to xylem with the help of water. So in case of growth and normal functioning of body water plays a vital role which cannot be ignored.

A world without water is neither imaginable not acceptable. Think of a desert life where proper vegetation is rarely found. Only cactus or thorny shrubs are available. Mostly barren land is found. People of the land are found to be deprived of agricultural benefit – be it crops, fruits, flowers. Life of these people also becomes miserable due to the extreme scarcity of water and weather condition.

The water is hugely found in earth but only a healthy resource can gift consumable water. The oceanic water is not consumable. Again water from ponds or canals of the villages cannot be worthy to drink. Therefore to remain physically fit inside only quality water can help.One need to be very sure that the water one drinks should be free of germs and should be very clean.

our daily life is impossible to continue without consuming water. From washing our mouth in the morning to turning in the bed at night, preparation of food, washing clothes and drinking water before going to bed, water plays a major role. Modern beauty concept is that the more glass of water is taken, the more on the glow of face will be. Water keeps on keeping us fresh and juicy. Naturally consuming freshwater helps one look beautiful.

(Scarcity in India):

Getting deeper into the states of Rajasthan and Gujarat, where water scarcity is a cause of concern we analyzed that still do people have to walk long distances in order to fetch some pots of water. There is no tap water system or no means of 24 hour supply water. When we come to the southern part of Bangalore, in order to fulfill the needs of water, people have to spend money and buy bottles each day. It is so difficult to spend the day is in summer because the water scarcity becomes terrible and the decrease in water starts increasing. Privatization of water bodies in order to fulfill personal needs has led to the fact that 25% of urbanization do not have water and face water scarcity.

(Urbanisation’s harshness)

City’s are mainly industry-based and industry requires a huge quantity of water not only for producing commodities but also for washing dirt. For generating electricity, hydro power project is giving more and more emphasis. Due to the coat crisis, people have become more and more interested in hydroelectricity by which cost of generation of electricity will be cheaper at distribution of it will be far-reaching.

The aquatic life on earth will come to an end without the presence of water. To grow from a little creature to a mature one, every human being needed an optimum quantity of water. Water serves the purpose of physiological, mental, psychological, digestional and radiological, and excretory function of all the animals. It also helps plants to have different functions like photosynthesis, transpiration, evaporation, osmosis.

(As a neutraliser):

Plants have pipe like parts to carry out water from one part to another. They are also known as vascular tissue. Nutrients are taken to every part of the whole plant with the help of the xylem. In the form of evaporation plants lose huge of water through stomata. Acid cannot be formed if more and more water is taken. Naturally one can be free from acne, pimples, constipation, and piles if sufficient water is consumed.

(Adding Beauty to the city and nature):

Most of the time it is found that beautiful city’s and civilization are centred around water. The bed is of greek is a wonderful city which is having only one transport system that is the water vehicle – gondola. The primitive city’s like London by the side of themes, Kolkata by the side of Ganges, Punjab by the side of Sindhu, Egyptian civilization by the side of Nile and North America having the Mississippi by its side adds on to its beauty.

(Conclusion and Saving Water):

Therefore, wherever we get to see in this world we have a bunch of uses of water that living a day without water is completely impossible. In this modern era, where we start wasting water we should try to prevent water from being wasted. Rainwater harvesting is one of the efficient methods of preventing water wastage. Use of water at perfectly needed places is what we want to bring out through water saving. There are many places which is deprived of water and live with water scarcity. Therefore we should start saving water and consuming it at the places where we need it, save hundreds of life. Save water, save life.

Some of the FAQs, mostly asked by students:

  1. How is water consumed by the earth?

The earth surface is having a blanket of both land as well as water. The part containing water is only 3/4 out of which 97% of this water is found to be in the ocean and is non-consumable because of its salty taste. Humans don’t consume saltwater and therefore three fourth of this water is not fit for human use. When we come to the fact of freshwater we get to see that only 2.7% of whole water is found of it. Therefore out of which 70% of this freshwater consumes its self in the part of glaciers. Most of these glaciers are found in the coldest continent that is Antarctica and some places of this earth which are completely out of human reach. Left 1% of this freshwater can be used for human purposes. So this 1% of water which can be Consumable should be preserved as a very essential resource. The main causes of wastage of water lead to an increase in population and day to day urbanisation. The over use has also led to the contamination of fresh water with toxic resources. Therefore scarcity of water is a major cause of concern in this modern century.

2. What is water scarcity and what is its impact in India?

A circumstance when people don’t have the opportunity to consume or to use the basic level of water in order to fulfil their needs the situation of water scarcity comes through. If we look into the cases of India, we get to see that some states still now face this kind of circumstance and are a victim of water scarcity. Getting deeper into the states of Rajasthan and Gujarat, where water scarcity is a cause of concern we analysed that still do people have to walk long distances in order to fetch some pots of water. There is no tap water system or no means of 24 hour supply water. When we come to the southern part of Bangalore, in order to fulfil the needs of water, people have to spend money and buy bottles each day. It is so difficult to spend the day is in summer because the water scarcity becomes terrible and decrease in water starts increasing. Privatization of water bodies in order to fulfil personal needs has led to the fact that 25% of urbanization do not have water and face water scarcity.

3. How can we save water?

There are some efficient methods through which we can save water and prevent water scarcity. Water is the most efficient and capable method is rainwater harvesting which has become the modern way of conserving water. Another way of water saving is the vegetation blanket that covers the surface and the forest which helps to prevent run-off and fill up the ground with water. One has to promote awareness programmes regarding water saving and its conservation through various banners, posters and media and advertisements.

Water is the most basic and the most valuable resource for mankind, provided by nature. Water forms an important component of the earth’s hydrosphere and it is the most vital component for the existence of humans, as our body is also made up of water. Water is linked to almost all of our daily activities in numerous ways. Also, different sectors such as domestic, agricultural, industrial, etc. use water as an essential input component. For the agricultural sector, water acts as a backbone of Agriculture, with it being the most necessary input for plant growth and yield. Domestic life is also incomplete without the use of water in one way or the other, be it cooking, washing or drinking purposes. Water also acts as an essential industrial ingredient in major industries such as fabricating industries, chemical industries, food industries etc.

Why is Water so important?

Importance of water cannot be overlooked. According to the United Nations, water constitutes to be an important aspect of the socio-economic development of any country. It is an important component of sustainable development, healthy ecosystems and also an important part of our health, welfare and productivity. It is known that about 3/4th of the earth is covered with water. So much of the water present on the earth is in the oceans in a form that is not fit for consumption. Other than that the water present for actual use is only 2.7% out of which 70% is again inaccessible and the remaining 1% is, what is left for the consumption purposes. Nowadays, this remaining 1% is also getting contaminated with the increasing development of human societies. Also, the pollution from varied sources, be it chemical, biological or physical is making the situation more critical and worse. India has about 4% of the world’s freshwater resources but its availability is in conditions not suitable for consumption. Our country is in a situation where consumption of water is increasing but the freshwater for the consumption is decreasing, leading to the scarcity of water. This can be attributed to the poor water resource management system, pollution, and imprudent use of the available water resources. Climate change is an addition to these never-ending woes of humans.

What is Water Scarcity?

Water Scarcity is a major problem that the world faces today, which is a consequence of human negligence. Water scarcity refers to the shortage usually physical, due to lack of appropriate structures, which makes the water inaccessible for human consumption. A country may have abundant water resources but what ultimately determines its availability, is the wise use of the available water. Today, most countries are affected by water scarcity. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), water stress is being experienced by around 2 million people worldwide and about 2/3rd of the global population experiences water scarcity in at least one month of the year. As per OECD, Environmental Outlook to 2050, global water demand is likely to increase by 55% and India would face severe water scarcity by 2050. Also, with the ever increasing population pressure, the situation is likely to worsen and it is not just the present generation that is getting affected by it but also the upcoming future generations. They will be the ones getting affected by it severely. Scarcity of water is real phenomena today and it comes with another issue associated with it that is displacement. According to the Global Water Institute, about 700 million people worldwide are about to get displaced by 2030 due to intense water scarcity. So, it is quite evident that the significance of this resource is inevitable and it needs to be addressed with urgency backed up with strong actions to save such an incredible resource.

How can we conserve water?

What the world needs today, is the conservation and the sustainable use of water. While, sustainability focuses on the balanced use of any resource, keeping the future generation in consideration. Conservation actually refers to the protection, preservation and ingenious use of such an incredible resource. Conservation of water is a necessity today than it ever was and its conservation can be ensured by the shrewd use of the resource. Conservation starts from home and with our little habits. We don’t have saving in our habits and thus are likely to face the consequences. Including simple habits like not leaving the water running while washing hands or brushing can go a long way. Using less water while bathing, washing clothes, watering plants, etc. All these are some of the simple practices that can be practiced indoors which would make a great difference to the world.

For the outdoors, Rainwater harvesting is another way to suppress the uprising water crisis. Rainwater Harvesting makes use of structures for saving water. These are actually the physical structures made for collecting rainwater from the roof by specifically installed structures and the storage of the rainwater in those structures thus ensuring its conservation for future use. These water structures are readily being used in farms where this water acts as a source of irrigation water for plants. In addition to this, water can still be saved even without the use of such structures by collecting water in the barrels or by collecting water over the roof of the houses/buildings which can be drained to any storage tanks.

Awareness Campaigns also play a major role in promoting the habits of saving water among the people. It proves to be effective in making people realize how important water is, for the survival of all. Thus, incorporating a sense of responsibility among the people. Such campaigns can be arranged anywhere by local committees, offices, gram panchayats and nearby municipalities to engage people at all levels and develop an attitude of saving water. These campaigns aim to transform the attitude of people towards the conservation of water.

All these activities can sum up to reducing pressure significantly on the local water bodies, which are the ultimate source of fresh water. Saving water also minimizes the costs for the utilities. Thus, creating socio-economic benefits for all. Water is important and it is equally important to save it and use it prudently.

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