10 Ways to Build Self Confidence in a Child

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Reported by Anjali

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Before learning 10 Ways to Build Self Confidence in a Child, it is important to understand the meaning of self confidence. Self confidence is an attitude one has regarding one’s abilities and skills. It means one is completely aware of their strengths and weaknesses and has a positive view of them. It is important not only for a child but for everyone to have Self confidence.

Parents/ guardians or teachers who want to grow self-confidence in children at an early age have landed on the correct page. In this article, we are going to elaborate on some of the effective ways which can be used to build self confidence in a child. Without any further delay, let’s take a look at them:

10 ways to build self confidence in a child
10 Ways to Build Self Confidence in a Child 3

10 Ways to Build Self Confidence in a Child

In the following section, we are going to provide 10 Ways to Build Self Confidence in a Child, which will be elaborated in detail. The following is the list:

Model confidence yourself

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Children learn the most by seeing their elders, especially parents. So, one should be confident themselves to raise a confident child. Even if you are not feeling it, seeing you face new challenges and getting prepared will create a good example for your child. Please note that it does not mean that one always has to be perfect. Accept your anxiety, but do not let it burden you.

Don’t get upset about mistakes

Let your child know that everyone makes mistakes, and it is completely normal to make mistakes. Let him realise that what’s important is to learn from those mistakes instead of crying over them. If your child starts crying over his/her mistakes, then in future, they will fear trying new things, and it is not one of the qualities of confident people. Confident people do fail, but they know how to face failure.

Encourage them to try new things

One of the mistakes that most people make with their child is that they only focus on things in which their child is already good. Your child needs to diversify at an early age. When a child learns new skills, it makes them feel confident that they can tackle anything that will come across their path.

Allow kids to fail

It is a natural habit for parents to protect their children if they face failure. But one must not forget that trial is the way how a child learns. When a child falls short on a goal then it will help them in realising that it is not fatal. It will also motivate children to work harder and realise that sometimes one cannot get everything that they want, and it is completely fine.

Praise perseverance

Teach your child not to give up on the first attempt after getting frustrated. Apart from confidence, it will also become a great life lesson for your child. It is important to understand that self-confidence is not always about succeeding. Self confidence is more about being resilient, continuing to work harder, and not getting sad if you are not the best.

Help kids find their passion

A sense of identity can be created in a child if you help them explore their interest. It is one of the key elements to build self-confidence in a child. In case a child sees growth in certain areas, then their self-confidence will automatically increase, which is a plus point.

Set goals

No matter whether the goals are small or big, set them, and if your child achieves them, it will make them feel strong. One should start this by setting small goals such as making the bed, creating an essay or reading a story and the goals can be made bigger with time.

Celebrate effort

Everyone praises the child if they achieve a goal, but it is important to let them know that you will be proud of them and their efforts no matter whether they win in the journey or not. Let them know that you value their efforts. So, do not forget to appreciate them next time.

Embrace Imperfection

Everyone knows that perfection is unrealistic, and it is important to let your child know about it as early as possible. It will help them in getting comfortable with their imperfections and not take it as a disadvantage.

Set them up for success

Teaching children lessons from failures is good, but they should also get opportunities where they will surely find success. Create activities in which they are comfortable as well as confident to face harder challenges.

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