Application for TC by Parents; Check Format and Samples | How to Write an Application for Transfer Certificate?

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Reported by Pankaj Bhatt

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Application for TC by Parents: Certain times schools require a proper application in order to issue a Transfer Certificate to students. The parents need to write and submit the application citing the information of their ward and the reason for applying for a transfer into any other institution. This process is important and hence writing the application becomes quite a typical task sometimes. It is very important to be careful and formal in approach to these kinds of applications.

Thus, the parents can refer to the following article in order to get assistance on How to Write an Application for a Transfer Certificate in English. Read further to get the exact format for a Transfer Certificate Application by Parents, along with helpful samples regarding the same.

Application for TC by Parents in English
Transfer Certificate Application Format and Sample

Application for TC by Parents in English

Application to the school as a parent requesting a Transfer Certificate for your ward is a formal letter. Formal letters have a fixed format and the same goes for Parental Applications to Schools. The writer needs to be entirely specific and should not stretch the content. There is a specific scaling format that also needs to be followed. Parents must be short in crisp with their words and they must not stroll. It is important to be straightforward. The kind of phrases that a writer needs to use should be professionally formal.

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While writing, the Parents need to mention a few points such as why the parent is seeking a Transfer Certificate, what are the dates within which the document is required, details of the student, and more. Transfer Certificates can be required in two situations. One, the student is seeking school change in the middle of schooling education. The other situation is on completion of school education, Transfer Certificates need to be submitted to the higher educational institution.

Format for Writing an Application for TC by Parents in English

The format that the parents need to follow while writing the application requesting a Transfer Certificate for their ward needs to be the same as of Formal Letters. The structure is fixed and there should not be any changes made while following it. The parent must observe the following composition:

[Sender’s Address]
House Number 123,
ABC Street,
LMN City,
XYZ State.
PIN Number/ ZIP Code: 987654321

[Date in DD Month YYYY Format]
24th August 2024

[Receiver’s Address]
The Principal,
PQR School,
DEF Street,
HIJ City,
UVW State.
PIN/ ZIP Code: 123456789

[Subject of the Letter]
Subject: Seeking issue of Transfer Certificate of my ward.

Dear Sir/ Madam,
[Content of the Application]


Yours Sincerely,

[Sighnature of the Sender] __________________________________

[Name of the Sender in Block Letter] _____________________________

Transfer Certificate Sample

As mentioned earlier, the parents must be required to write the application requesting the transfer certificate in two situations. One occasion is when they seek a TC in between the schooling years while the other is when the student has successfully passed out from school. The content for both applications will be different. Thus, here we have provided two different samples of applications for both cases. Refer to the subsequent samples in order to get an idea of how the application seeking the issue of transfer must be written. The data used in the following applications is only for the purpose of examples. Parents must carefully use their respective information while referring to the samples.

Seeking TC in between the Schooling Years

House Number 14/8,
Raipur Street,
Uttar Pradesh.
PIN Code: 226001

24th August 2024

The Principal,
Delhi Public School,
Murad Nagar,
Uttar Pradesh.
PIN Code: 226001

Subject: Seeking issue of Transfer Certificate of my ward.

Dear Sir/ Madam,
With due respect, I, Neeraj Verma request you to kindly issue a Transfer Certificate to my ward, Abhinav Verma who is a student of your school. This is to inform you that due to the transfer of my job to New Delhi, our family has to shift to another city. Therefore, we also require a change of school for my son. The transfer is scheduled for 9 September 2024. It will be very generous of you if you could grant the Transfer Certificate. We have ensured that all the monetary dues have been paid by us. Abhinav has presently passed Class 8-C and his class roll number is 5.

We expect a positive and timely response from your side since we have lesser time left for our departure and the TC is an urgent requirement.

Yours Sincerely,


Neeraj Verma.

Seeking TC after the Ward has passed out of School

House Number 14/8,
Raipur Street,
Uttar Pradesh.
PIN Code: 226001

24th August 2024

The Principal,
Delhi Public School,
Murad Nagar,
Uttar Pradesh.
PIN Code: 226001

Subject: Seeking issue of Transfer Certificate of my ward.

Dear Sir/ Madam,
With due respect, I, Neeraj Verma request you to kindly issue a Transfer Certificate to my ward, Abhinav Verma who has recently passed out from your prestigious institution. He is seeking admission to Christ University in Bangalore and thus, he requires the document for application. He was studying in Class 12-B in your school and passed with 86%. His class roll number was 6. All the monetary dues have been paid off by us and thus, we seek an urgent issue of the certificate.

The last day for the application to the college is 15 September 2024. Thus, I request you to kindly issue the Transfer Certificate to my son, Abhinav prior to the deadline. I expect a positive response from your side.

Yours Sincerely,


Neeraj Verma.

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