12 Proven Tips For Acing Competitive Exams

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Reported by Anshika Saxena

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Proven Tips for Acing Competitive Exams: Starting the preparation for any exam can be challenging work, especially when we are preparing it for the very first time. Aspirants are always under great pressure to do well in the examination but to ace any examination the journey starts with its preparation. If your preparation strategy is good then half your battle is won. Hard work and rigorous practice will is the key to success but that’s not the only key!!

To ace, any competitive exam you have to be smart because every year lakhs and lakhs of students sit for any competitive exam and seats are limited so to make your place in the final merit hard work and smart work both come in handy. In this article, we will discuss 12 Proven Tips for Acing Competitive Exams.

How To Ace Competitive Exams

12 Proven Tips For Acing Competitive Exams

Follow these Proven Tips for Acing Competitive Exams:

Know Your Syllabus

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The very step for starting preparation for any competitive exam or even any exam is to know its syllabus thoroughly by heart. If you don’t know what you should read and what you should eliminate then you can put in all your hard work, and study 24*7 but still, you won’t pass the examination. You will be lost in an endless ocean. From day one of your preparation only look up the syllabus of your exam and if possible take out the printout of it and always keep it in front of you. This way you will know which topics you have to read and which you have to eliminate.

Sometimes under a topic also some subtopics are of more importance than others so it will give us an idea of which topics are of great importance than others. At least read the whole syllabus twice or thrice. After giving a good reading of your syllabus mark the topics which carry more weightage than others. Preparing those topics first is a good approach. You can also make a list of topics you are good at and the topics you need to put more effort into. You can even make a comparative chart of topics you are good at and the topics you need to work on more.

Know Your Examination And Your Calling

Know Your Examination And Your Calling

Don’t start preparing for any exam just because your friends are also preparing for it or your family is asking you to prepare for it. Always go with your calling. Try to understand what the examination is demanding from you. Every exam is different from the others and requires a different approach. You can not expect to ace the SSC exam with the preparation of IBPS. So before starting anything study the examination, understand what it is demanding from you and if you have the quality and skill to ace the area or not. Once you find your match go for it!!

Start Beforehand

Start Beforehand

Now that you have decided to prepare for an exam now don’t wait until the last moment to start preparing for it. You will never be able to pass the examination like it. Any competitive exam requires at least 6 months to 1-year preparation so start early. The expected dates or months are always known to an aspirant so start according to them. Don’t wait for the minute study session.

An Organized Space

An Organized Space

It can sound like an absurd idea to some of you but a well-organised space or your study table plays a significant role in your examination. Find a peaceful and calm corner for study. It should be a well-lit and well-organised space. You can place some of the essential items over there like lamps, books, other stationery required, notepads etc. Never study in your bed and always make a habit of studying at your study table.

A Time Table

A Time Table

And yes time table which most of the toppers have already suggested is vital for your survival in the battle against time. Prepare a Time Table from the very first day of your preparation. Experiment with it if you are not able to follow the previous one but stick to a proper timetable or else you will be lost and as the saying goes “Time and Tide wait for none”. You will lose your precious time but you will gain nothing we you are not sticking to a timetable.

Divide your time on a daily, weekly and monthly basis and give every subject or topic equal time. Try to divide your day into small sessions and take a break after completing one session only. By this only you will be able to complete your syllabus in time. Following a timetable makes you disciplined. Often it is seen that many candidates push too hard and set unrealistic goals. Don’t make this mistake set goals which is easy to achieve on daily basis.

Stay Focused

Stay Focused

Often we get distracted by small things which pose a threat to achieving our goals. Remove your distraction immediately if you want to achieve success. “You can not do big things if you are distracted by small things”. Whenever you are sitting for your studies try to eliminate everything which is a distraction to you like mobile phones, social media, and games. Divided attention is never fruit full.

Stick To One Source

Stick To One Source
Stick To One Source

At present with the advancement of technology, more and more resources are available in the market for any competitive exam whether we talk about online material or offline material. There is plenty of resources available. Students are always in a dilemma about which source to pick and which to leave, which book is best which is not but how to decide it?

Whenever you are starting with the preparation give at least one to this, in which you should invest your time in searching for good resources. Try to search for it online on YouTube or read reviews about any book related to the exam. Many toppers nowadays upload their booklist which they have used for preparation, so look up at it. Give it time to do some research but as soon you find it sticks to that one resource only.

Often we get distracted and end up buying more books than required. Don’t do this !! Keep one source. It is better to read one book a hundred times rather than reading hundred different books one time.

Revision A Determining Factor

Revision A Determining Factor
Revision A Determining Factor

Often many aspirants neglect this thing one major ingredient required to ace in any examination is REVISION!! Revision is a must and should not be replaced by many other steps. It is one of the most crucial things while you are preparing. As soon you finish a topic revise it the next day. In your timetable give one session for revision only by this only you will be able to ace your exam. When you revise any topic it gets stuck in your memory and the chances of you forgetting that information become less likely.

Mock Test And Previous Year Questions

Mock Test And Previous Year Questions
Mock Test And Previous Year Questions

When you have completed your syllabus then start giving mock papers or attempt to solve the previous year’s questions asked in the exam. This will not only prepare you well, but you will get an idea about the quality of questions that are asked in that particular examination. Solving the previous year and giving mocks also helps you to get clear information about your weak areas. You can focus on those topics in which you are weak and polish them. At least one month before any exam should be given for revision and mock papers only.

Prepare Your Own Notes

Prepare Your Own Notes
Prepare Your Own Notes

It seems quite a task to prepare notes but they become the most important weapon during revision time. Preparing notes alongside reading have two benefits, first, you will retain more information as you write things down and second when the exams are near you will have a short summary of important information with you for quick revision. This will save you time as reading bulky books at the time of revision is not recommended.

Stay Healthy And Motivated

Stay Healthy And Motivated
Stay Healthy And Motivated

While preparing a time comes when self-doubt takes over and any aspirant questions himself or herself but don’t let it take over. Always stay motivated and be confident. Self-doubt often leads to failure. Be confident in yourself and in your preparation. Always try to live a healthy lifestyle. Adapt good and healthy habits like proper sleep, eating healthy, avoiding junk food and regular exercise or yoga. These habits will help to relax your brain which is the need of the hour.

Get Help

Get Help
Get Help

Never be ashamed to ask for help and support from your dear ones. If you have any problem regarding your studies go and seek help. Discuss things with your parents and friends who will cheer you up and if you are in a problem they sure will guide you in the right direction.

Well, we have discussed every detail which will help you to ace your exam. Hope after reading this you will be able to prepare for your exams well!!

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