Welcome Speech for College Function; Long and Short Welcome Speeches for College Function

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Reported by Pankaj Bhatt

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Welcome Speech for College Function: The prospect of a College function is easily one of the most fancied events that every college student looks forward to. Some are ever ready to demonstrate their organizing skills while few enthusiasts stay excited about showcasing their performance(s) and the infamous group of students who simply await college functions to enjoy the ambience and food. In this setting, the one person that holds the entire function together is the event host and their welcome speech. If the welcome speech is boring or monotonous, the mood of the audience can turn dull from the start. And we surely don’t want that, do we?

To save you from the trouble of being wrapped up in such an awkward situation, we are here with tips & tricks to write unconventional welcome speeches. You can also find samples for both short and long welcome speeches for reference.

Welcome Speech for College Function

Welcome Speech for College Function

Welcome speeches are infamous for being notoriously boring, but that is only a temperament we have adopted about formal speeches. If we take a creative and dignified approach, we can spark the college function with a smartly worded, attention-capturing speech. Keep reading to know how.

Tips to write an engaging welcome speech for college function

  • Use a formal tone but avoid robotic delivery. Put emphasis on words and phrases where necessary to connect with your audience.
  • Welcome the chief guests using a respectful and refreshing phrase. Mention their achievements before the audience.
  • Make sure to greet your audience according to their designation properly.
  • State the purpose of the function in a few sentences.
  • Credit the organizers.
  • End in an enthusiastic spirit.

Types of welcome speeches

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According to the duration of the college function and the cadre of guest(s), the welcome speech can be divided into two types:

  • Short Speeches
  • Long Speeches

Short Welcome Speech for College Function

Very good morning to one and all present here. Esteemed Principal Sir/Mam, our cherished faculty members and my dear friends. We feel great honour to welcome our chief guest for the event, Honourable (Chief Guest Name) who took out their valuable time to honour us with their dignified presence.

*Hold for applause*

Our Chief guest doesn’t need any introduction; their name is their brand, their presence is an occasion and their words are pearls of wisdom. The 4 times Young Scientist Award Winner with over 20 research papers published in international journals. Permanent Member of the International Botanical Society and Council of International Botanical Congress. The leading scientist the National Geographic’s latest expedition on the Gymnosperm plant research.

We are delighted to have you on the joyous occasion of the 28th Annual function of our college.

This year has been a remarkable year for our college. With the enlightening guidance of our teachers, our college team was able to win the ‘Inter-College Debate Competition’ by competing against the most prestigious colleges in our state. We also organized the National Conference for XYZ in the blissful presence of the Honourable Chief Minister (Mention Name with honorifics). Our sports team was able to bring Gold in Basketball in State level Championship.

The achievement list will go on but we have limited time. And, we have a lot planned for today. Now, I request our Honourable Chief Guest (Name with honorifics) to come on stage and bless us with their words of wisdom.

Thank you!

Long Welcome Speech for college function

A very warm welcome to all. Respected Dean Sir, we are thrilled that you were able to bless us with your charismatic presence today. On behalf of the entire organizing committee, I would like to extend our gratitude to our most encouraging teachers for helping us to arrange this program. And my fellow college mates, thank you for adding to the enthusiasm and spark of this event.

Today is not just a day, today is an occasion, a festival, a celebration. Today, on the 37th Sports Day of our University we are going to be honoured by a great personality. A personality who has touched the hearts of millions in our country and other parts of the globe. Please put your hands together, as I invite amidst the sound of your clap the National Captain of India’s Hockey Team Mr. XYZ.

Sir, you have been an inspiration to all of us. Your team spirit and discipline motivate us to inculcate these positive attributes in us. Your presence alone is a symbol of passion and drive. Your simplicity and down-to-earth temperament glorify the divinity of your soul. I don’t think any better-suited guest could have honoured us on our sports day.

It’s like a dream come true, just watching you sitting between the honourable members of our University. The smile on your face has already fulfilled the purpose of this event. We have been imagining this moment since the day you accepted our invitation but none of that beats the beauty of the present instant.

You are a national hero, an asset to the country, and a role model to all the children who wish for a career in hockey or sports. You are like a blazing sun that shines to light the path for many. Especially in a country like India where sports is an under-explored profession, we need ambassadors just like you to glorify the sportsmanship essence in our country.

Having you as an onlooker is already making our sports teams jump around with joy. On the behalf of the Student’s Sports Association of (College Name), we extend our warm regards to you.

Thank you for becoming a part of our Sports Day, this day shall forever be remembered by us in our golden memories. Thank you, Sir!

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