Welcome Speech on Independence Day for Teachers and Students

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Reported by Anjali

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As you know that Independence Day is one of the most important days in every Indian life. It is an occasion that is celebrated by the whole country, regardless of religion. We celebrate Independence Day every year on the 15th of August. Events like this cannot be completed without a speech and these kinds of occasions require welcome speeches.

Therefore this article has been prepared. We have provided Welcome Speech on Independence Day for Teachers and Students. Readers can use these articles for guidance while preparing the speech. Let’s have a look at the speeches that students, as well as teachers, can use.

Welcome Speech on Independence Day
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Welcome Speech on Independence Day For Students

Good Morning respected guest, principal mam, teachers and all my dear friends. My name is (Your Name), student of (School Name). Today, we have gathered here on the occasion of Independence Day. We are currently celebrating the Independence Day of India.

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It is important to learn about our country and the sacrifice of our leaders to protect this country from our enemies. If they wouldn’t fight for our country, we might still be under British control now.

When our country was free from British rulers and others, our country was known as “Sone Ki Chidiya”. So, what does this word mean? It means that our country was filled with resources. Our land was very productive. We had a good amount of minerals and other resources.

Due to its largest market and good human workforce, our country has managed to stand tall worldwide. These qualities of India influenced the Britishers, who decided to use India for their own benefit.

They came to India and started the divide-and-rule policy. Gradually, they captured every nook and corner of the country. The literacy rate of Indians was not that great at that time, and therefore they were easily influenced by the Britishers.

The British made Indians cheap slaves to its government and ruled for hundreds of years. After several years, personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Jawahar Lal Nehru and others realised the scheme of Bristishers and fought against them with their knowledge and strength.

After years of struggle and sacrificing many Indians, we got independence from the British government on 15th August 1947. As an Indian, you have freedom of speech and can express your opinion. To live a life of freedom, it was important to be independent. We shall never forget the hard work of our freedom fighters, ever in our lives.

Today’s generation can never truly experience the feeling of happiness of independence as we have got it without doing anything. However, to keep India that way, we should keep some responsibilities.

It is our responsibility to keep the country clean and crime-free. Follow the traffic rules and every other responsibility as a responsible citizen.

Indian celebrates this day with full patriotism and love for the country. The flag is hoisted at the red fort, a march-past takes place and schools organize the event to create awareness of Independence in children.

The independence we are enjoying today is filled with the blood of various freedom fighters of our country. So it is our duty to never take the independence our leaders have worked hard for advantage. It is our responsibility to teach the students to always respect the ones who are on the country’s border to protect our country and also motivate them to join it.

At last, I would like to end the speech by saying a few lines for our country:

“We may never know how it feels like to live in a free country
if it was not for the bravery of our fathers.
Today they deserve a big salute from us.
Happy Independence Day!”

Welcome Speech Outline on Independence Day

Here we are providing the Independence Day Welcome Speech Outline which will help the audience during the preparation of the speech. Without getting delayed, let’s start the outline:-

  • Introduction Part:
    • Start the speech by welcoming the audience and giving your introduction.
    • Afterwards, you tell the occasion on why everyone has gathered.
    • End the introduction part by providing a little introduction of the speech topic.
  • Body Part:
    • Start the body part of the speech by providing the history of India and how it got independence.
    • Now, you should provide the importance of Independence to today’s generation.
    • Remember the sacrifices made by our respective leaders to free India.
    • Provide a list of some activities that are done to celebrate Independence Day.
  • Conclusion Part:
    • Teach the audience to remember the leaders and their sacrifices for the country.
    • Tell a little about how you can be the one to make our country proud.
    • Finally, end the speech by thanking the audience and saying some patriotic lines.
Tips For the Welcome Speech on Independence Day
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Welcome Speech on Independence Day For Teachers

Good Morning, everyone; I hope you are doing well. First, I would like to welcome everyone who came to celebrate the 78th Independence Day. I hope everyone is excited to celebrate this event with full of patriotism in them. My name is (Your Name), and I am (Designation Name).

Before we start the program, I would like to give a short welcome speech on Independence Day and its importance. It is important to teach our children the importance Independence Day for our country. Today’s generation is moving towards modernisation in a fast phase.

They are slowly diverting from our culture, country and roots towards the Western culture. They are getting influenced so much, that many children do not even know about different cultures followed by their own country.

It is my request to all the parents presented here and also children to start exploring our nation’s history and understand the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters to protect this country. If we will learn about them, it will automatically mean giving homage to them.

It is important to understand that our country has not gained independence easily. It is filled with blood and the hard battles of many Indians. So, it is our responsibility to reserve it at all costs. Our nation is known for different religions and cultures and the fact that we still stand united.

It is important to understand that we can serve our nations in multiple ways. It is not important to become a soldier to become a child of India truly. We can do it by doing whatever we do at its best. For Example, If you are a doctor, then it is your responsibility to work hard and save people’s lives. If you are a police officer, then you should work hard and reduce violence in the country.

It is your responsibility to work selflessly and help those who need your help. For example, you can treat someone free of cost if they cannot afford the fees. At last, I only wish that I was able to deliver the motive of my speech. Everyone lives for themselves but sometimes we can live for others and make our life meaningful.

Thank you for being patient and carefully listening to my speech. Now, we are ready to start the event with today’s performance. Thank you. Jai Hind and Happy Independence Day once again.

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